POLL: Who would like to see a Nutrient Forum?

Would you like a forum just to discuss nutrients?

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Active Member
Uncle Ben they mainly be sheep not Rams. No desire to learn why, just be told what to do. Doesn't work that way in real life, but few are living that firmly based in reality. Too stoned, too often to learn much. Copiers and followers, oh my!

Try to tels them about recommended ratios N:P, N:K, Ca:N, Mg:N, or P:S. Or how roots dump OH- or H+ to maintain, ionic neutrality in their roots (ie adding all + and minus charges must produce zero). Then there are all the standards that efect everything such as pH, temp, CO2 levels, lighting intensity, strains penotypes, growing methods, organic/inorganic etc etc. Watch their eyes roll back in their skulls.

gimme gimme. Point me to s good example; well-thought out, scientific piece that isnt arrogantly thrown together assuming that all of us can interpret quantum physics and make our own chemical compounds from 8th grade chemistry knowledge. Asshattery aside, I am more than willing to soak up any knowledge from educated folks such as yourself and Uncle Ben. I enjoyed his piece on humidity and have followed a few posts.

Please excuse my misinterpretation of a nutrient forum. I would however, love to try and comprehend why and how my plants do what they do and take in nutrients in a certain way, but I barely passed chemistry in college and that was like I hear algebra and calculus is for others. I need the information presented in an easily understood manner that has concrete enough examples and hands on opportunities to experiment and employ the processes.

I can take pictures and compare mine to photos of plants experiencing like symptoms, and make an educated guess as to how to correct the problem, but havent come across enough detailed, scientific information.

I think a nute forum would promote someone making a really nice, knowledgeable thread that really helps people understand the complex means by which plants grow, and maybe us pot smokers can pass that knowledge on and apply it to other plants, crops and whatever.

Spread the Knowledge!


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben they mainly be sheep not Rams. No desire to learn why, just be told what to do. Doesn't work that way in real life, but few are living that firmly based in reality. Too stoned, too often to learn much. Copiers and followers, oh my!

Try to tels them about recommended ratios N:P, N:K, Ca:N, Mg:N, or P:S. Or how roots dump OH- or H+ to maintain, ionic neutrality in their roots (ie adding all + and minus charges must produce zero). Then there are all the standards that efect everything such as pH, temp, CO2 levels, lighting intensity, strains penotypes, growing methods, organic/inorganic etc etc. Watch their eyes roll back in their skulls.
So ignore them, there are always going to be those and the site needs those numbers of sheeple to even exist at all, but also there plenty who actually would give a shit enough to learn.

We could use a little less :finger: attitude, less :fire: and a little more :bigjoint: and you could breed fewer :dunce: and have less :cuss: directed at you.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
My name alone seems to draw argument regardless of the topic no matter what I write. People argue with me when I say water is wet.
LOL, been there done that at other forums, now defunct like CW, OG, and PG. Some just following me around like some kind of a cyber stalking nut, picking apart everything I write.


New Member
Kinda takes one back to the days of trying to raise preteens and teenagers. I thought it would end when they became adults. Now I just get to go through it again with young strangers.


New Member
So ignore them, there are always going to be those and the site needs those numbers of sheeple to even exist at all, but also there plenty who actually would give a shit enough to learn.

We could use a little less :finger: attitude, less :fire: and a little more :bigjoint: and you could breed fewer :dunce: and have less :cuss: directed at you.

My daughet has a Phd in a science field and is a full professor and researcher in Texas. One son has a Masters and a bachelors both in the sciences and is in the Army and my youngest has a bachelors degree and is a pilot/officer in the Air Force. I can not see them as being dunces. Happily none of my children use drugs/alcohol nor cigarettes. I think watching me do so was enough to convince then not to consider the chances of genetic predisposition. I now have one granchild who is a college freshman.


Active Member
I like that they added the forum, I just don;t like where they put it. I don't think most people notice it for two reasons. First, they don't even see it (not in large text like the main topics are). Second, it mentions it's a sub-forum, but it looks like it just one of the things to be addressed under the General forum, not that it is a different forum. As loosely as main topics are chosen it should have been one of the main ones for people to see easier. I know, I know, all the regulars and the forum admins think it is VERY obvious, but believe me, it is not.