pollen from a non cannabis plant what ahppens


Well-Known Member
show me a tomato/pot plant. if this were possible everything in the vegetable garden would be fucked.
....Obviously the tomatoe plant and the cannabis plant aren't very similar.

But lets say you put it next to another flowering herb....say for example lavender.....Might be more likely to do something.....Ever seen Purple Bud? (I know you have)

Just speculating.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know what happens? now that the seeds are half cannabis and half something else.
You're kidding, right? :lol:
Well if you 'pollinate' a Donkey with a horse you get a Mule (different species).

And if you 'pollinate' a tiger with a Lion you get a Liger.

Crossing of two distinct species is called Hybridization, it happens quite readily in plants.

People need to do there reseach before they come back with Narrow minded comments.

Hybrid (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scroll Down to plant Hybrids.
You've answered your own question, though. For hybridization to happen the organisms must be similar (usually the same genus), AND their reproductive systems must also be similar. This is why ducks don't tend to hybridize, and why some Zebrasoma and Centropyge species do hybridize.
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Well-Known Member
my main concern for making this thread was to make sure that if any pollen from my clothes came into my grow room i didnt want there to be seeds.

thanks all for answering my questions


Well-Known Member
HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa This turned out hilarious. When that one douch-nozzle told Fdd to "Do his research" and "not be so narrow minded" I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I mean, If you have spent 2 days on here you will come to recognize his stamp on a post as basically saying "you can trust this." He's one of the most knowledgeable people on here, can do almost anything with weed, and has 22,000+ posts! When he speaks, people should listen... Instead of being, dare I say, Narrowminded? hahaha


Well-Known Member
What happens when a mj plant comes in contact with pollen from another species.

The same thing as when some sicko porks a monkey,nothing happens except the monkey gets pissed off.


Well-Known Member
Lol, not that it's impossible, but highly unlikely. You'd need a plant extremely similar to cannabis to do so, and even then you probably won't get great results. But you won't get like tomatabis or Canananas or anything like that. The closest thing we have is autos because they have ruderalis genes, which some people even debate whether ruderalis is a strain or sub species.