Pollen questions


Hello all,

So I am trying to figure out some additional info on pollen. I am approximatley at day 40 of 12 on 12 off, and just a few days ago, I started to show pollen on the leaves. This is my first shot at this for personnel medicinal use, and any pointers would be great!!

Strain: Jock Horror
Lights: Yea...250W MH
48" x 4 bulb FL
3 females now going hermie i think...

Love the site and happy trails,

Sparkin Sparkie:lol:



Just like everyother site... Unless you are the biggest grower in NORCAL, you get nodda. just like grasscity and every other forum related to Cannabis. You people need to relax and help promote the growth of knowledge and less ignorance in the cannabis culture. This is insane. on three forums I have asked questions on pollen and with this forum, and at least Google chrome the search does not work and nothing.... How the fuck are we going to educate new people one the positive properties of cannabis if we can't take care of the growers.....Fucking shame.... so to all of you that don't give a shit about the non all knowing go, fuck yourselves and eat shit. Anyone else whom may have taken a recent toke, help me out. never dealt with Pollen before and i don't know what I am doing.

P.S. if your the stud with several thousand post who is about to tell me this and that eat shit. All I am asking is for help with Pollen knowledge and what the shit to do with my Hermies......

Sparkin Sparkie


Well-Known Member
Ok buddy relax, I'm thinking people are Not sure of your question thus haven't respond. You won't get much help with that attitude but I'll try.

What exactly do you mean by "started to show pollen on the leaves"? Did you introduce pollen yourself to get seeds? You didn't even ask a direct question that even warrants an answer. Again I'll try...

If you didnt introduce the pollen yourself then one of two things happend; either you have a male that you somehow didnt notice and remove, or a hermi that you didnt notice and didnt cut the balls off. If you are in flower than its too late and you will have very seedy bud. Next time remove males and hermis. Check daily for hermis and remove balls or entire plant of you're not confident you got them all.

So even tho you asked no direct question, I will guess it and give you an answer. Your plants have now been pollinated and will now produce seeds(feminized) in your bud and there's nothing you can do to stop it.


Dude, or chicka, you rock!!!!!

So I bought seeds online,(non Femine style) and I decided to take the vegative state further than most and now have plants touching 5' tall. No changes after the 12x12 cycle and all of a sudden i notice some yellow on one of the leaves fro the very top of the plant..... No males in this bunch started with five and two looked sketchy so I dumped them now left with all females and after no crazy events just day in day out activity, noticed some yellow dust on female plants... crazyness and if you need photos let me know.

Thanks again amigo, and sorry for the frustration just seems like alot of nothing on the forums and no actuall help.. Believe it or not but this has been going on for three weeks and even with posts on oher forums nodda... someone has to have dealt with this before. Need photos, just ask....
Thanks again,Spakin Sparkie


Well-Known Member
Wow fuck you asshole you come on here and can't even ask a question properly. Appears your too fuckig stupid to even know your plant is about to dump pollen and ruin your crop. How about you do a little reading on male and female cannabis and find out for yourself.

P.s. you may as well just leave this site, you've made a horrible first impression you dick. Im sorry I even helped you after reading your second post. Wow


Dirka Dirka Diraka,

Is there any non nerds out there who have any advice. This guy needs to chill out and maybe leave mommas couch and step into the real world of sarcasim and thick skin. Wait, I forgot everyone is a tough guy online and I am 7' 10 with a ya you know what. Besides poor little fella getting his feelings hurt, serious question about the pollen.

Does anyone have any advice with dealing with Pollen and Hermies... Nothing to crazy has happened just had pollen pop out a the blue literally with females.. FTG here and help would be appreciated.

Thanks again,
Sparkin Sparkie,


Well-Known Member
Lol do you know how plants even work?

Your plant has pollinated itself, now your plant will have seeds. What else do you need to know? Good job guy.

I've already answered your question in great detail. Despite you're attitude on your second post, coming here insulting our community for no real reason, I still helped your disrespectfully ass. Try a different tone, ask a more direct question and this won't happen to you. Good luck.


No jackass, I havent a clue, this is the reason for posting, but sometimes, i forget that somepeople feeling get hurt by not takeing the time to address everyones feeling.

{point blank, I am a cool guy, believe it or not, that is looking for questions. I too am from the NW and I really dont want to piss anyone off or hurt anyones feelings. All I want to do is smoke a kickass bowl and chill with like minded peeps. I have a pollen issue and yea, homie, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK I am doing but, i have some good gear and my plants look decent. If I have seeds Great as long as they are usable cause unlike most, I live way the hell out in the middle of the boonies where I can't go and buy some supplies if I run out in a heartbeat. So you, Peyote amigo, chill and if you have something positive to add, please do. If not, say i'm a dick and move on. All i Want is someone who have had these issues to speak out and lend a hand. If I came across as an ass, my sincere appologies. i am frustrated as it seems that the canabis bulture is a pop culture and has nothing to do with the history or science behind the scenes... this opinion comes from the feedback of know four sites and it seems like you go nowhere unless you have a 40 plant op....

So like the great Kartman once said,,,,"Somebody's gotta eat all that bacon, Kyle... might as well be us. Welcome to the firm"


Well-Known Member
Sigh...so you just jumped into growing head first with no idea what your doing. Mmmk. I understand now. Your are beyond my help as you are clearly not understanding. Get some literature and do some reading on basic cannabis growth, like how the sexes work and so on. You have a serious attitude that's going to make it hard for you to get help, which is why I'm stopping now. As you would rather trash talk than listen to the advice already given.

Once again, good luck.


Active Member
First off, I'm not trying to jump in the middle of anything, just trying to help. Second, I'm kinda drunk so please excuse me if I misunderstood your question. Okay, so from what I've read you've purchased some seeds, and right off the bat ditched the males. Now you're in flower and wondering where the hell the pollen came from and what to do. Well, chances are you have a hermie and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it at this point, except identify the lady that fucked you. The pollen sack will look different than the calyxes, like a banana (I'm sure you can find pics on here or google) but you may want to grab a microscope to aid you in your search. Once you find the bitch, make note that her seeds are trash as they will have hermie tendencies. All of the other girls should now produce feminized seeds which may, or may not, be worth keeping due to all of variables of breeding. To sum it up, your smoke is gonna be weak, but at least you'll end up with something, plus you'll have a ton of seeds to experiment with on future grows and you gained some valuable knowledge / experience. Hope I cleared things up. Good luck man.