pollen sacks?


plants are 9 weeks into flowering and some of the buds got a yellow thing on them i can grab it and it comes off the plant they are in the pistols it looks like a banana there not hanging from the plant can these be pollen sacks males? are hermies they have hairs alover it and do males have hairs to? is there a place were i can look at pictures of males and female plants in different stages of life

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.
this is a para. from the grow faq's just pick them off and continue to grow ,they are male flowers good growing...rob


here is some pictures of tops i dont have any pictures of the lil yellow things that i found earlier how much longer you think these got are should they just toss them out?



Well-Known Member
toss em out? fuck no! they will be fine, just pluck any male flowers off as soon as you see em(check everyday) plants will naturally start putting out male flowers in a desperate attempt to breed towards tje end of flowering sometimes(some strains are more prone to this that others) even if that wasnt the case hermies still make bud and if you are careful about looking the plant over everyday you will catch all the male flowers before they can even do anything so your girl will not be exposed to pollen if you do so. dont worry about the tiny amount of stress cutting the male flowers off right away at all, its nothing to cause concern, flowers are dying naturally all over the plant.


Well-Known Member
FOR SURE don't toss those out.. Geeeeez. I remember not toooo long ago where hermies were the only thing most people smoked because they didn't even know what sensimilla was. It is still good smoke even if you don't get all of the balls off of it. That much work and waiting....smoke it. By the way they look pretty good if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Look anything like this?
The plant smells a bit different then the rest for some reason.
I got these at day 33 of flowering and then i just pulled them off with tweezers. No more popped up and the rest of my ladies were fine!



Well-Known Member
Those are some really good pictures alex. What kind of a camera did you take those with if you don't mind me asking. Thanks.


yep thats what they look like what causes this they come out easy like a sticker in a finger they only found 4 on 1 plant and none on the others yet but they pulled 2 and through them out they had alot more


Well-Known Member
Its because of stress - something did it either ph problem or i thought mine was because of a light leak one night i left some lights on in my room when i shouldnt have


Well-Known Member
Some strains are genetically prone to hermie as well, but usually its from stress...especially interrupted night cycles.