Pollen sacks


Active Member
Hey Guys,

My 3 plants are in their second week of flower. I have a Blue Cheese, LSD and Violator Kush that are all from Barney's Farm.

Anyway, by far my best looking plant is the violator Kush. So Today I was inspecting them for any signs of damage like mites or deficiencies and I noticed on my violator there were what looked like pollen sacks. They look like little mini watermellons (I will post pictures when I get home)

I only purchase female seeds and I know sometimes you can get a male even though it is female, but the thing is I have pistols as well. I guess it is a hermi with more emphasis on male traits.

So I removed the chutes that had them on there but some still look like they have them, but not sure since they are still small. I put it back in my tent for now figuring they are too young to pollinate..

My question is should I toss the plant or is there a way I can remove the sacks and save the plant? I only say this because it is showing female traits as well like pistols.

I dont know what it is about this strain from Barney....This is the 4th time trying to grow it. The first 3 I got the pick and mix from attitude and 2 of them popped and pretty much died from seed...My third attempt was 100% male and now I actually bought the 5 pack thinking maybe the pick and mix ones were cheap or something..lol.. like only the people who order the packs will get the 100% female..lol.. stupid thinking I know but I bought the pack and everything has been going beautiful until now. I really wanted to try this strain as you can tell...I love indicas and this is supposed to be pretty heavy.

Anyway, any ideas? I am thinking of tossing it, but I figured I'd ask first to see if anyone knew any tricks.

I will post pics later if that helps.


Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
it's a hermi, since you only have 3 plants if i were you i'd keep it. you can just keep picking off the pollin sacks and it'll be fine.


Active Member
we cant do shit for you unless we see some pictures man i just had a reserva privada purple wreck go hermie on me i think that one could have been my fault i dropped a book on one of the branches and it bent it down it recovered this was first week of flower but after a few days i noticed ball sacks i should have taken it out put it in veg until the prob corrected itself but i have enough plants that its ok but you might wanna get some pictures up just to be sure


Active Member
i personally wouldnt keep it unless you want a crop of seeds my buddy just had this happen to him its a huge wasted investment and you will have to look at that plant daily for pollen sacks and that has to be a thourough inspection top to bottom alot more time and risk than it is worth in my opinion if you could move it to a difft room it would be better


Active Member
I will post some pics when I get home. I would love to save it but checking it that thorough everyday might not be in the cards. Maybe I can take every cola off except for one and just check that daily..lol...just kidding... I just want to try it so bad..A friend of mine had it and said he took one bong hit and was higher then he had ever been. I want a strain like that. I have to smoke a lot to get high anymore. So I want a good knockout strain. I mainly smoke for relaxation before bed to help me sleep. I am not into sativas all that much and thats all people have around here is dirt Mexican sativa strains that are so compact it feels like a rock (and not in the good way) I ran out of my stash from my last grow and didnt compensate for when I ran out. So I been getting it from people around here and it is just total low grade stuff. I literally bought an 1/4 and after taking all the seeds and stems out I weighed it and it came out to 3.3 grams. Now I know its not going to be exactly 7 grams but come on I am paying for an 1/8 of stems and seeds.


Active Member
I never took pics because I ended up cutting her down since there were way to many sacs to keep up with. It was very depressing since she/he was such a healthy plant. I wish I had another room I could have put it in, but I do not and could not risk it pollinating the other 2. Oh well, I guess it happens to everyone at some point.