Pollinated Females, What to Do?


Hi, Ive got 2 accidentally pollinated females 6 weeks into flower. One has a lot more seed pods than the other. Im not interested in seeds, just smoking, so I would like to preserve as much seedless bud as possible.

At the moment I can see clear mushroom shape trichs on the more seedy plant. The other plant is not as trichy yet.

I dont know whether to harvest the plants early to try to stop further seed production, or continue on til the trichomes say its time to harvest. Does anyone have any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Just leave it. Pick seeds out of bud then smoke. If all plants in grow were around each other for entire grow all of them should be seeded. Im sure one or both hermed on you then sexed up the rest.


Alright i have a question, are you guys saying that if you can see that the plant started growning seeds lets say you see one of the seeds growing and there is no more will there we only one seed in your weed or more?


New Member
These old eyes don't see a s well as they used too.
The reason I ask for a Pic is, I was wondering if maybe you were seeing calyxes and not really seeds.
Calyxes are seed pods that often look seeded when in fact -no seeds.

Nice little plant, btw, another thing that happens when plants become pollinated is the pistols begin to regress back into the plant and appear to die, as the plant concentrates on making seeds.

Like I said, I just can't tell from the pic but I think I would grow them out. You just might be pleasantly surprised.


I definitely think they're seeded, Ive broken a few of the swollen pods off and theres seeds forming inside:

The pods arent on every bud though so maybe some will be Ok at the end of the grow, I guess I'll just have to wait it out.

It wouldnt surprise me if they all end up pregant though, look at them waving their pistols in the air, theyre begging for it the dirty b*tches :-)


New Member
[QUOTEIt wouldnt surprise me if they all end up pregant though, look at them waving their pistols in the air, theyre begging for it the dirty b*tches [/QUOTE]

They certainly are. On a good note the best tasting herb I ever had was seeded.:blsmoke: