

Active Member
Hey, so, because I'm kinda lazy/kinda not sure what I'm doing, I just separated my male from female plants, and my males are pretty obviously male (lots of balls). My question is, how long until the males actually pollinate? Is it possible that my females have already been pollinated from being near them?

Pics to come once I find the damned cord...


Active Member
i posted 2 more pics in my gallery, ones of the males (do the sacs look opened yet? i'm worried if my females could have been pollinated while they were mixed in with the males) and estimate how long till harvest the females, who have been on 12 and 12 for 3 weeks (if they're not females)


Well-Known Member
you cant tell from your pictures if any of the pollen sacks opened? and you got a while before harvest, but good luck

take some closer pics of each if you can


Active Member
I cut all my males down when I noticed the seeds developing, they were around 3ft tall did I do the right thing?