pond water?

Hi folks. Im growing outdoors this season and i thought "why not use pondwater to water my plants". You see, I have a garden pond and I know it won't have chlorine in it so that solves that. Will the pond water have enough nutrients in it to feed the plants?


Active Member
I live near a park that provides natural spring water from a pump on the grounds, the water is great! My plants love it, if you can find something like that I'd say go for it. But the pond water could be iffy, if there are a lot of fish in it or any insects it sounds risky, you could always boil the water first, anyway let us know what you decide to do! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Boil the water?! If it were a stagnant water hole I could understand but that sounds absurd, even small ponds have a good ecological balance, you just need to make that there are no run off or undesired pollutants in the water, I only use aquarium water to water my plants, the best, take a sample to your local fish store if you're worried about ph but it should be loaded with nutrients, they won't be enough for prime growth but perhaps better than tap water, boiling? Why not try to set up a makeshift water distillery?... Gook is good.


Active Member
I always thought that was just a safe way to make sure the water wouldnt harm your plants... But anyway good luck!