Pond-Zyme Plus vs Pond-Zyme With Barley


New Member
Is there a difference between these 2 products, or did they just change the label? I have "with barley," but I would rather not have the barley because it forms mushy clumps that float around in the water and get stuck in the roots.


Well-Known Member
The company only lists with barley. Could be just a mistake in advertising. I have used it for a while and love it. I have never had a clumping issue because i mix my res thoroughly, but getting caught in roots is the whole idea.


Active Member
The company only lists with barley. Could be just a mistake in advertising. I have used it for a while and love it. I have never had a clumping issue because i mix my res thoroughly, but getting caught in roots is the whole idea.
Superstoner, I was wondering what medium you had success with this in. I was thinking of using it in a hempy grow i have in the planning stages. I would assume it could be used universally like cannazyme, but I wanted to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Thank You


Well-Known Member
I had tried great white and another I can't remember and liked them both but they are expensive. I was out of gw and picked up the pondzyme locally to get me bye. For about 30% of the cost I never saw a negative difference between them and never ordered gw again. I do aero and dwc, never had a root issue other than root masses so large they were unbelievable.


Active Member
Awesome. I would think though that if the barley clumps on the roots it would clog airstones and aero jets? or is it milled more than im thinking?