Poor man's ultra economic cfl bagseed grow .feedback needed

a hybrid plant, is a plant that is mixed with sativa and indica. therefor it is a hybrid of the two. thats good news for you because that means your going to get increased weight and increased denseness of buds.


Well-Known Member
a hybrid plant, is a plant that is mixed with sativa and indica. therefor it is a hybrid of the two. thats good news for you because that means your going to get increased weight and increased denseness of buds.
okay but whered you read this you should site your quotes bro
incase it hasnt been mentioned or no one on this thread knows, as soon as flowering starts you can start adding molasses to fatten up ur buds, ive heard it can increase weight by as much as 20%. you want to find a blackstrap kind of molasses and make sure its unsulphured


Well-Known Member
incase it hasnt been mentioned or no one on this thread knows, as soon as flowering starts you can start adding molasses to fatten up ur buds, ive heard it can increase weight by as much as 20%. you want to find a blackstrap kind of molasses and make sure its unsulphured
hmmmm :confused: first thats along way away next molassas is used as an organic fert to increase the sugar in take of the plant.... it can hurt it if used wrong

as 20% thats a bs number hell i could tell you its a 50% increase (its not btw) it depends on so many varibles light heat strain ferts and so much more you cannot state any number this because it will never do the same every time for everyonebongsmilie
hmmmm :confused: first thats along way away next molassas is used as an organic fert to increase the sugar in take of the plant.... it can hurt it if used wrong

as 20% thats a bs number hell i could tell you its a 50% increase (its not btw) it depends on so many varibles light heat strain ferts and so much more you cannot state any number this because it will never do the same every time for everyonebongsmilie

yes molasses can be used as an organic fert. but its not the sugar it uses as the sugar molecules are much too big to be absorbed by the plants roots. the main purpose of molasses, is that it helps feed the micro bacteria that are in your soil, in turn allowing your plants nutrient uptake to increase, its also a flowering fert because its got potassium, and has a good amount of carbohydrates that the plants actually can use.
oh, and as far as you saying the molasses adding weight part is bullshit, all i said was " ive heard it adds as much as 20%" i didnt say it WOULD. and it is really hard to hurt your plants using molasses, ive used as much as 4 tablespoons per gallon with no negative results. mine are just starting to bud tho so i cant tell you that its doing anything positive yet


Well-Known Member
oh, and as far as you saying the molasses adding weight part is bullshit, all i said was " ive heard it adds as much as 20%" i didnt say it WOULD. and it is really hard to hurt your plants using molasses, ive used as much as 4 tablespoons per gallon with no negative results. mine are just starting to bud tho so i cant tell you that its doing anything positive yet

if you read it it says the number as in the percentage you gave is bullshit ....im not saying your wrong im jus saying there is no defenent amount it will add yes it will increase mass a lil but no different than pouring some sort of bloom fert, jus a chelating agent .... and yes it is to feed the micro organisims that in turn feed the plant nutes ( jus as simple saying its fed for the sugar to increase nutrient uptake) you say youve used up to for table spoons but you jus started flowering ...... let me kno how this goes also.... the reason it can hurt is that it attracts some pests
if you read it it says the number as in the percentage you gave is bullshit ....im not saying your wrong im jus saying there is no defenent amount it will add yes it will increase mass a lil but no different than pouring some sort of bloom fert, jus a chelating agent .... and yes it is to feed the micro organisims that in turn feed the plant nutes ( jus as simple saying its fed for the sugar to increase nutrient uptake) you say youve used up to for table spoons but you jus started flowering ...... let me kno how this goes also.... the reason it can hurt is that it attracts some pests

correct yes, i have no idea how much it will or can increase bud size i just know that the numbers i usually hear are anywhere from 10 up to twenty percent more weight . if you are unsure of the usefulness of molasses, you should check out some of the threads they have going about it.


Well-Known Member
correct yes, i have no idea how much it will or can increase bud size i just know that the numbers i usually hear are anywhere from 10 up to twenty percent more weight . if you are unsure of the usefulness of molasses, you should check out some of the threads they have going about it.

lol ive read alot of em on here and yeah it does have its qualities and alot of people have good luck with it .... but the reason is because either their not using bloom chemicals or cant afford it it does nothing better than the chems jus cleaner in all reality yes it does its job but so can nothing at all if done rite so im jus say that

im done on the subject and sorry bout threadjacking this one bro back to your plants........bongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
lol ive read alot of em on here and yeah it does have its qualities and alot of people have good luck with it .... but the reason is because either their not using bloom chemicals or cant afford it it does nothing better than the chems jus cleaner in all reality yes it does its job but so can nothing at all if done rite so im jus say that

im done on the subject and sorry bout threadjacking this one bro back to your plants........bongsmiliebongsmilie

Dude !! absolutely no problem...don't bother..and thanx for the continued feedback...really need your help around to continue doing this ..
PLANT #1 has already started working on its 5th node(or set of leaves) and PLANT #2 is just one node shorter.
i'll post up pics later ....



Well-Known Member
Dude !! absolutely no problem...don't bother..and thanx for the continued feedback...really need your help around to continue doing this ..
PLANT #1 has already started working on its 5th node(or set of leaves) and PLANT #2 is just one node shorter.
i'll post up pics later ....

yeah i subscribed to it so ill be around

and 5 th node glad to here it nows the time to start any techs if your gonna do em ie fim top supercrop lst any thing you wanna try or you can leave it alone and let her do its thingbongsmilie


Active Member
i dont have space now...so i want to avoid FIM or topping (if my notion is not wrong)...i'm thinkin on LST...But then again since this is my first grow ...i dont want to mess up with it..i just want to grow...harvest and smoke some home grown..just for the first time feel..u know...but again im thinking ..since i have a space issue...what if it gets big in flowering ..it'll atleast double or triple the size i guess....so im COnfused :-(


Well-Known Member
well lst is really really really simple and as long as your easy with the ladies you wont hurt em.... lst fimming topping and supercropping is to keep height down but the main reason the big kahuna for it is yield they all help you in someway to increase it a lil and thats what you want id recomend the lst jus some strings and thumbtacks will do tie it losely to the under the first node and then tack it to the side.... then tie another on to the node right under 4th node and tack to the oppisite side of the first one ( go easy dont break her) after a a few hours to a day in light itll raise up towards the light... then repeat step to going around the pot after a couple of days you can remove the very first tie i think youll be happy with it


Active Member
well lst is really really really simple and as long as your easy with the ladies you wont hurt em.... lst fimming topping and supercropping is to keep height down but the main reason the big kahuna for it is yield they all help you in someway to increase it a lil and thats what you want id recomend the lst jus some strings and thumbtacks will do tie it losely to the under the first node and then tack it to the side.... then tie another on to the node right under 4th node and tack to the oppisite side of the first one ( go easy dont break her) after a a few hours to a day in light itll raise up towards the light... then repeat step to going around the pot after a couple of days you can remove the very first tie i think youll be happy with it

Okay!!! ill keep that in mind..so ill decide the whole day ..what to do ..though LST sounds exciting ...thanks a ton man....will update as soon as anything comes us :-)

Time for somebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Okay!!! ill keep that in mind..so ill decide the whole day ..what to do ..though LST sounds exciting ...thanks a ton man....will update as soon as anything comes us :-)

Time for somebongsmilie
it is exciting its more hands on and great for first grows as long as your careful i cant stress that enough haha jus research the hell out of it (google image search)