Poor Poor Florida...


New Member
I hate to say it but it's all the damn religious old people holding everyone back. If you ever go to Florida there are more churches than schools... and more retirement homes than hospitals.


New Member
I'm pretty sure its dumb religious people and there wheel of propaganda. Every time Florida trys to relax its marijuana laws they have to come in and screw everything up. Also fuck a Drug Free America and the DEA for ruining millions of lives and wasting billions of tax payers money!


Well-Known Member
dont let dem hypocrite donkey jawbone having vampires suck a single sprout from iman patch as i would say...mr.jon


Well-Known Member
man that fuckin sucks,,,,i live in FL too even though I never exceed 12 plants I cant stand the negative category cannabis is in. fuckin people drinking a bottle of vodka and taking out the family going to see a movie in an accident...and this country wants to keep that substance legal and persecute weed smokers....ah im beating a dead horse,,,fuck em let them arrest me in the end where all dead anyway///// makes me sick


Well-Known Member
Even before this new law we're one of the harshest states for marijuana laws and punishments. We have a minimum mandatory sentence for most drug offenses.

It really sucks too. Florida's a pretty cool state. Lots of shit to do, not a hick state, and always sunny and warm. Beautiful smoking weather for 10 months out of the year. If this new law passes, it's gonna fuck a lot of people over.


Well-Known Member
well its gonna suck for a lot of peeps...I run a small personal grow,own my own crib and the only one who knows about this is me and the woman that i have been with for 7 years and i dont slang the shit PERSONAL grow(I am a noooob)... i mean i have life long friends that dont have a clue and its def gonna stay that way now with this new BS...,lol dunno shit is fucked up i would love to be like come over tell so and so lets all smoke and ill show u my plants...but thats not reality...ill just keep it to mine and put the odds of being a successful grower a bit in my favor and hope I dont slip. PEACE


New Member
I got arrested in Florida for having a joint roach... wtf? I was like what am I going to do with that... sell it? He was trying to make it seem like he had just found a crack rock and I was just some punk ass. The cops are so bad in Florida it makes me sick because they know its wrong.

"Lies feed your judgment of others
Behold how the blind lead each other
The philosopher
You know so much about nothing at all" -Death


Well-Known Member
stfu u guys r pussies 24 plants IS FUCKING STR8
have constant 24 going

it would be easy to not give a fuck if i could grow in a house in my Moms name too bra! there really is no reason to be a dick and give us shit for not being happy with the cock bitter laws florida has on buds.


Well-Known Member
There have been numerous grow house busts going down in miami and a little
north in Stuart area. Mainly latin people renting out houses to cubans to grow.
Now they are starting to really crack down on the laws. Its getting bad here.


Well-Known Member
yeah well i dont deal and i live in a very good suburban neighborhood, keep my grow to myself so i like my odds. as soon as u start thinking economical gain from your crop is when your gonna run a much higher risk. I dont care if you think you have known your clientele your whole life...when DEA is staring them in the eye they will flip:-) so I just get my dough the legit way and smoke my dro


Well-Known Member
That sucks for SoFla. I hate to say it but it's one more reason why I moved. Archaic fucking laws!!! Hopefully, most of these half dead lawbreaking politicians will die off soon or end up in cementary village, so you can get some fresh blood into your local government :blsmoke:.....


Well-Known Member
used to these kinda laws already.. so not really gonna say I feel sorry but it does suck the movement is being set back a few steps..


Active Member
Lets not just whine about it. Everyone in FL needs to email or call Gov. Chrits office BEFORE JUNE 25TH to oppose it. Tell them it needs to be VETOED!! This law is DRACONIAN and is going to have alot of people jailed. Especially Medical users. This is WRONG.
we need every single concerned citizen to call Gov. Crist's office at (850) 488-7146 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and ask him to veto this legislation. Please ask "everyone" you know to do this, so Gov. Crist knows just how much opposition there really is to this horribly wicked bill! You can go to his site and send an email too. Send a bunch!
Let Crist know that Floridians will not stand by and watch their neighbors sent to jail for trafficking unless there is "actually evidence" to support such a charge. So, remind your friends to contact Gov. Crist's office at (850) 487-0801. This is SERIOUS folks, so do it. There are going to be alot of innocent victims locked up if this gets passed. Trafficking laws should ONLY apply to TRUE drug DEALERS and NOT be used to fill Florida's "already crowded" jails with ORDINARY citizens who are NOT really drug dealers at all! Just tell them you want him to VETO this new marijuana bill that's coming up. We need to do this.