popcorn size buds

popcorn size buds...not big enough
i had a ph problem, but my plants are 4 weeks into flowering and my buds are a lil bigger than popcorn size buds, why the problem, to control the ph i used an aray of things and finally found something that dropped the ph, big leaves burned bad but im growing under 1000 watt hps and temps are around 78 the plants have alot of thc on them i mean they are very frosty, but small. i used jamaican bat guano, earth juice, and now using miracle grow instead because they wont produce. im asking because this is not my first grow but my first time flowering. will they get bigger in the end or ami fucked lol. it looks around 3 - 4 ounces now between 30 plants am i being impatient and not knowing what to expect, i really need some feed back b4 i terminate and start my other clones. only a lil less than half the pistils are turning brown, the thc is still clear.

please help thnx guys oh yea there 20 -21 inch tall clones


4 weeks in is still pretty early yet. you probably won't get much growth for another week or so. what strain is it? indica finish earlier and sativa much later (up to 8 weeks sometimes). a little more info would be helpful. did the leaves burn because of heat, or is it an over-feeding problem?
they are papaya mango, ice kush, and humboldt. there only fed once a week. i had ph burn and couldnt correct it. i used aspirin, lemons, and ph down, and the ph was still over 7. the ph would only go down for a day. nothing wouldnt lower it so i figured it was the soil. i just bought a soil acidifier and hope that works well. well today the nugs seem to have gotten a lil bigger and i get more thc everyday, but not size. my light is 2 feet away. air cooled. and blower