Pope Francis: Celibacy Requirement Can Be Changed

A kinder gentler Pope, was checking out The Bible one day, and realized that celibacy was only supposed to be a temporary thing, having been misconstrued since the 11th century. Guess what?

So say us all:clap:

The biggest thing to happen since The New Testament; they were losing membership, therefore money, with the messy, Old Testament shite.

everything ive always wanted to ask the pope abt god directly has so far gone unanswered on his most current myspace page
Still, the deliberate misinterpretation of adultery as any and all sexual activity outside of marriage betrays the agenda. When you can get someone to suborn a primal drive to conform to the dogma, you’ve got that one for life. Stockholm syndrome, not much different from the complex of interlocking lies that is the mainspring of maga.

Maybe this is the crack that will propagate through the whole edifice. More likely it’ll quietly get walked back by the Society of Jesus, the church’s wardens of reason. Domini canes.

Nobody makes an announcement like that then doesn't follow through. He's convinced this is the way forward; sometimes you need a new story line in order to reframe.

everything ive always wanted to ask the pope abt god directly has so far gone unanswered on his most current myspace page

God is a metaphor and The Bible an ancient book of how to behave and metaphor as well. I don't take it literally. Much of what is recorded is actually explained away by science now, for instance, the seven plagues of Egypt. That was an excellent vid though and to her I would say same as above. He's three people..is he?..literally? No.
to the first sentence, Republicans.

He's not a floater, he just decides and then needs to fill in the back story. The Church is at a crossroad, it's congregation growing old and not being replenished. It's no longer the 11th century and we cannot accept living by those ancient rules.
God is a metaphor and The Bible an ancient book of how to behave and metaphor as well. I don't take it literally. Much of what is recorded is actually explained away by science now, for instance, the seven plagues of Egypt. That was an excellent vid though and to her I would say same as above. He's three people..is he?..literally? No.
it's an ancient book of how the physically weaker religious class used psychology to give themselves power over those stronger than they are.
It was one of the first psychological warfare weapons, and unarguably the most long lasting, effective one...how many people have died in GAWD's name?
There are varying estimates on how many died during the crusades. If you split the difference between most estimates, 4.5 million died...that's ten percent of the population of the earth at that time...that would be 788 MILLION in today's numbers, to put that into perspective...
The crusades killed enough people to limit the gene pool....in GAWD's name...
it's an ancient book of how the physically weaker religious class used psychology to give themselves power over those stronger than they are.
It was one of the first psychological warfare weapons, and unarguably the most long lasting, effective one...how many people have died in GAWD's name?
There are varying estimates on how many died during the crusades. If you split the difference between most estimates, 4.5 million died...that's ten percent of the population of the earth at that time...that would be 788 MILLION in today's numbers, to put that into perspective...
The crusades killed enough people to limit the gene pool....in GAWD's name...

I find it interesting that most bibles of different religions are loosely based on the same stories, with variation. Christianity was created to stop warring tribes. It stopped head binding so that was a plus. Symbol of a cross was easier to hide if necessary.
Christianity was created to stop warring tribes.
According to catholic propaganda. Historically however, that’s just a load of bs. Unless you‘re referring to mass rapes and beheadings and burnings to make the tribes submit to the war-horny romans. Those tribes were far more peaceful than Christians have ever been since - nothing wrong with a bit of a brawl between neighboring tribes. Beats a nihilistic death cult. Many of those “stories” you refer to, the ones christianity plagiarized, are from those pagan tribes for which the church went through many wars just for people now to label them as barbaric in the same way nazis demonized and dehumanized jews. They didn’t manage to burn all the books, it’s a documented fact.