

Well-Known Member
Poppies are an easy perennial. I've grown several cultivars but not P. somniferum the opium poppy. I'd be interested in trying it though. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
P. somn. is a annual , it's very easy to grow and will be well worth your time

the only problems with PS is they grow slow at first so they usualy require some weeding , suspectible to some fungal infections, the pods will also mold fast in a humid and wet climate , most say they dont transplant well (I have not seen this, but I baby my garden)

One intersting thing about PS is its light schudles are reverse of most plants being that they flower durring the longest days, and fertlizer requirments are almost backwards of most plants they like lots of P durring groth and N at flower

for 3.00$ a packet you cant go wrong


Virtually Unknown Member
grew twice in Midwest US 40N. i grew Danish Flag, Giganteum, Persian White. they sprout easy (ground should be colder) but/and seedlings are very delicate. true they don't transplant well and need max sun. .. once they get going, easy maint. i just smoked the raw latex and didn't cook it. seeds are legal in US. , seeds from bouncing bear. worth doing it for the experience. couple of the guys in HS are real experts


Active Member
they are beautiful... they'd make a lovely focal point or border, prolly have to plant a whole bunch of them. can u tell the difference from about 150 feet between the p. somniferum n the others?


Virtually Unknown Member
they are beautiful... they'd make a lovely focal point or border, prolly have to plant a whole bunch of them. can u tell the difference from about 150 feet between the p. somniferum n the others?
you do have to plant a few, the pod is bigger but nobody really pays attention to them.


Well-Known Member
Anywhere rosemary will grow, poppies will too. Hot and dry.

Around my neck o' woods, nobody would give a crap, the wild carrot [amjor weed] Daucus, dies off, looking similar around here.


Well-Known Member
poppies can be a bitch to get to survive threw the cabbage period they are super fragile... think of poppies opposite has weed veg under shorter days flowers during longer periods of light


Well-Known Member
Anywhere rosemary will grow, poppies will too. Hot and dry.

Around my neck o' woods, nobody would give a crap, the wild carrot [amjor weed] Daucus, dies off, looking similar around here.

Poppys are actually a cool weather plant and can over-winter in temperate climates