"porn desensitizes you"


Well-Known Member
Porn absolutely desensitizes you if you watch too much.

It won't make you not find people attractive, but it will make your sexual encounters much less satisfying.

Trust me..

38.1 GB of porn tho LOL..look like your stocking up like it's going illegal.


Well-Known Member
Some of U guys need to go a few weeks w/o pussy! SPOILED ass motherfuckers! I don't see you even respecting other women, much less look at them!

How do your women live with it? Constantly cumming down her throat! Fucking whenever U want? Does your bedroom stink of rotting cum and pussy juices? I mean, some of U talk like pussy is what's for dinner every night! Are you with a slut ass whore who will spend her whole life sucking your dick, swallowing your cum? A life of sucking dick on your knee and getting fucked in any way is not a life for a REAL woman!

Well, fuck U from a single guy that has respect for women.....
You seriously hve issues and need to seek some help dude.


Well-Known Member
38.1 GB of porn tho LOL..look like your stocking up like it's going illegal.
Actually I did a little research about this, sources say you get tired of seeing the same thing all the time, I sort of just save it out of habit, as weird as that sounds.. Porn is a lot easier to find these days with the tube sites, I started downloading porn waaaay back in the day. I've had several revamps of the collection where I just delete everything and start over, obviously I haven't done that in quite a while. Everything I have now is probably a few years worth, that 'Created' tab is referring to the most recent folder creation, I categorize everything (anal (rofl!) about it) and tend to delete or create folders every so often..

Another thing, this has absolutely affected my ability to enjoy sex, I've had a couple girlfriends while maintaining it and what it always came down to was 'why bother with that when this is just so much easier?'.

So yeah, I'd definitely agree psychologically it does have an effect on you. Moderation is key, just like with most abuse problems.

And to the OP, your brother is right, it's fairly common to get 'addicted' to porn, just like you can get addicted to a drug. Same chemical, dopamine.


Well-Known Member
moderation in everything i think. porn can be raw and cold and is mostly predictable and no amount of porn i have ever watched came even remotely close to the adrenaline i felt from a single long wet kiss.


Well-Known Member
I suppose if you are constantly rubbing one off while watching porn you might lose a little sensitivity.. try some lotion or something lol.


Well-Known Member
I never save one thing...like something new every time...yeah, prisoner does have some issues with women, he probably scares the shit out of them.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you though, nothing turns me off more than a woman trying to act like a porn star. This last chick I was seeing was a very beautiful blonde, I loved her a lot, her perfect lips, her beautiful eyes, her hair was so soft and beautiful. Perfect body, every curve where it should be..We had great conversation and had quite a connection, so much in common.. I loved her a lot and still do but it had to end.

Once I got her in the sack though she was a total freak, she''d be screaming shit like "fill my pussy, You're going to make my pussy come, fuck my pussy etc" and it fucking turned me off so bad my shit would go soft and I'd want to quit lol.

I was like "baby you don't need to act like a porn star to excite me, I want to hear you enjoy it for real, like moans of pleasure n shit, not screaming OHHH FILL MY PUSSY in my fucking ear".. But she said that she enjoyed that and wasn't doing it to turn me on so, our sex took a downfall from there lol. I'm just not into that shit. She sounded so fake and I just couldn't stand it. The only time we had good sex together was when my other woman was joining us and she had a mouthful of pussy and couldn't do any screaming, wasn't so bad then.


Well-Known Member
I've experienced something similar, a bit over the top, it made it seem fake..

I love the squeals the most, the uncontrollable verbalizations of pleasure, that's the hottest. Also when you make a girls legs shake, that's hotter than anything that can be said, imo.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
what's your point? Just saying shit is better in balance. You'd feel like shit after eating tacos all fucking day; just like you feel drained by masturbating all day (don't believe me? take a break for a day and then jack off. YESSS!!!) It even applies to the ganja. Take a couple day smoke break. Then see if you feel higher.

Psycological balance fixes lack of euphoria.
My point is that the pleasure of eating tacos several times a day over the course of a week is greater than the pleasure from eating tacos after abstaining for a week. I wouldn't feel like shit. I feel like you don't know my diet at all. I could survive on tacos and porn. And you don't need to explain the principal of tolerance breaks or delayed gratification; this aint my first rodeo.


New Member
I'll tell you though, nothing turns me off more than a woman trying to act like a porn star. This last chick I was seeing was a very beautiful blonde, I loved her a lot, her perfect lips, her beautiful eyes, her hair was so soft and beautiful. Perfect body, every curve where it should be..We had great conversation and had quite a connection, so much in common.. I loved her a lot and still do but it had to end.

Once I got her in the sack though she was a total freak, she''d be screaming shit like "fill my pussy, You're going to make my pussy come, fuck my pussy etc" and it fucking turned me off so bad my shit would go soft and I'd want to quit lol.

I was like "baby you don't need to act like a porn star to excite me, I want to hear you enjoy it for real, like moans of pleasure n shit, not screaming OHHH FILL MY PUSSY in my fucking ear".. But she said that she enjoyed that and wasn't doing it to turn me on so, our sex took a downfall from there lol. I'm just not into that shit. She sounded so fake and I just couldn't stand it. The only time we had good sex together was when my other woman was joining us and she had a mouthful of pussy and couldn't do any screaming, wasn't so bad then.

umm pass that off this way


Well-Known Member
umm pass that off this way
Hey, I don't mind a screamer, it was just the weird shit she said, like "Ohhh, you're gonna make my pussy cum"... I mean wtf.. And when she said the shit it sounded like she was reading it off of a script. Bitch you're not Jenna Jamieson for fuks sake..

Was a shame because she liked it freaky too.