Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer Suggestions?

For the $100 price point I advise buying the Arizer Solo. Super clean glass stem.
i was looking at that one too. is breaking the glass stem something to worry about?

i liked the boundless for how much it holds. how does the Tera rank compared to what else you have? is the Mighty by far the best portable at any price point?
i was looking at that one too. is breaking the glass stem something to worry about?

i liked the boundless for how much it holds. how does the Tera rank compared to what else you have? is the Mighty by far the best portable at any price point?

Going on 4years, no breakage.


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i was looking at that one too. is breaking the glass stem something to worry about?

i liked the boundless for how much it holds. how does the Tera rank compared to what else you have? is the Mighty by far the best portable at any price point?

I got an Arizer Solo2 a week ago. It feels very solid in hand and very well built. The stem is glass so obviously you can break it, but it seems like in normal use it will last "for ever". The vape hits harder than I expected and batterylife seems good. Heats up very quickly and a stem is so easy to pack and clean that the vape is pretty much ready to go at any time. I haven't got the GONG adapter yet, but I did try it with a hydrotube and set at max rather big clouds ensued.

I've owned a Volcano (desktop - ok, but sold it), Vapexhale evo (desktop - best vape I've tried, but mine stopped working after three years), Haze Dual v3 (portable & good, but nowhere near as powerful as solo). I've also tried the Mighty which was ok, but I'm not sure I'd want one for myself.
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i was looking at that one too. is breaking the glass stem something to worry about?

i liked the boundless for how much it holds. how does the Tera rank compared to what else you have? is the Mighty by far the best portable at any price point?

The Mighty is the best, hits the easiest.....holds about a half gram, maybe. The build quality isn't the best on the $300 Mighty, the hit is. And it doesnt keep burning (the nug) as u hold in your hit.

The glass stems are fairly thick, I opted for black glass. On the Arizer Solo, one end of the stem is your bowl (inverted).

The TERA's menu interface is fucked up, kinda.....Very easy to covert fahrenheit to celsius by accident, the menu can also completely randomly lock the fuck up. If you get it running its great, convection heat and you can fit damn near a gram in the thing.
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The Mighty is the best, hits the easiest.....holds about a half gram, maybe. The build quality isn't the best on the $300 Mighty, the hit is. And it doesnt keep burning (the nug) as u hold in your hit.

The glass stems are fairly thick, I opted for black glass. On the Arizer Solo, one end of the stem is your bowl (inverted).

The TERA's menu interface is fucked up, kinda.....Very easy to covert fahrenheit to celsius by accident, the menu can also completely randomly lock the fuck up. If you get it running its great, convection heat and you can fit damn near a gram in the thing.

thanks for al the good info.
now i've got even more to think about. lol.
is the solo convection or conduction?
from what iv'e read convection is the way to go.
Solo is BOTH convection and conduction. Not much conduction though, the bowl is the glass stem end piece on the Arizer Solo or Solo 2. One end of the straight or curved (I use a black crved piece) is the mouthpiece end, the other end is your bowl which is inserted into the Arizer SOLO device, the device and the stem heat up in 40 seconds or so. You set the digital temp yourself. 350 to 410 Fahrenheit range , or so.
If I had to pick only one vaporizer I'd buy the Arizer Solo 2. Cleanest hit you will ever experience. Recharge lasts a long fekkin time, like mostly all day. You can use it while its charging if ya must, too! Closer to $200.......

Mighty about $300, Solo 2 about $200, Solo Original (Solo 1) is about $100.
If I had to pick only one vaporizer I'd buy the Arizer Solo 2. Cleanest hit you will ever experience. Recharge lasts a long fekkin time, like mostly all day. You can use it while its charging if ya must, too! Closer to $200.......

Mighty about $300, Solo 2 about $200, Solo Original (Solo 1) is about $100.
been checking prices as you were typing: i saw it for 169 on a few sites. think i might make the purchase. all reviews are very positive
Arizer solo old school model (non digital) is a great deal if you can find it...buy extra glass straws.
I saw them going for 130 or so CDN and that is a great vape deal

It works the best for hash of the ones i have too.

The straw takes 1/3 of a gram of bud. I weighed it out because i was curious myself. It is about as efficient as it gets.

Very nice vapor quality. The air is good too but it is harder to get a pull from the straw (fewer vent holes feed the chamber).
I just found my charger for that air 1. I got a new battery from vaporizers.ca and wow. That is the shit for vapor quality.

I was running heavy on my max weight so i converted a bunch of buds to kief and hash....a bit of bud and filling that straw with kief is really nice...and 1 straw full (1/3 of a gram) burns on the dog walk as long as the usual doob i would smoke. The 1 1/4 paper full with a filter. 3 times the herbage as th solo.

Hits almost as hard. Burns hash so efficiently i wonder why i never thought of this before.

My favorite hash vape PERIOD arizier solo or air...same idea different vape.

I am just a stoner with a script and a wicked garden...but i have used a lot of vapes...grab one before the price goes up.

Digital is FAR overrates...blue is 190C or whatever..its easy
The best thing to really do is check a store that sells all of them...toronto...vapes something or other has a massive selection.

You can see the vapor quality and dozens or more reviews on most products...etc.

My friend loves his pax. to each their own is right.

My utilian 721 is really good too but not for hash. It gums all the stuff up and is a real pain to clean out.

But for dry herb it is really nice...convection...heated in seconds huge massive clounds..pretty cheap. I have used mine hard for 2 years and it still goes. Charge lasts about 5 full sessions. But its gummed up from hash and kief and rosin etc.
I had the airzer air..loved it..but died in a year.. bought the original solo. awesome battery..great temp control..easiest ever to clean..buy extra stems..can change battery if needed. And as a bonus..looks like the end of a lightsaber..aka star wars... after this..probably buy solo 2.
Brother gave me a Pax 2...He used it once.....I used it once.....gave it away.....no draw, clogs up, no convection (continues to heat up as u hold ur hit, convection won't)

maybe the pax 3 is better? pax 2 sucked

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Brother gave me a Pax 2...He used it once.....I used it once.....gave it away.....no draw, clogs up, no convection (continues to heat up as u hold ur hit, convection won't)

maybe the pax 3 is better? pax 2 sucked
I have never used the PAX 2 but the 3 is definitely incredible. The draw is like one of those big ass McDonalds straws, lol.