well, i couldn't wait.
the strawberries refoliated nicely in the GH, so i planted them today.
tilled out the GH and planted a shitload of early season stuff (since i won't be planting the cannabis in there until late june). planted radishes, kale, romaine lettuce, head lettuce, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach.
then i planted my sweet walla walla onions and fenced them off.
i built a makeshift retaining wall the other day, made a raised bed using soil from indoor grows, and amended with potash. planted the potatoes today: yukon gold, german butterball, and all blues.
then i pulled all of last years corn and sunflower stumps and tilled it all out. will be rotating this year and putting squash where the corn went.
the super sugar snap improved edible pod pole peas will have to wait to be planted until i can till once more and pull my neighbor's weeds on the other side of the fence.
now the wait is on for mid april, when we plant flowers, carrots, beets, and start all the late season seeds in the GH to get an early jump on things.
i worked until it got dark, pics to follow tomorrow.