MarsHydrofactory Well-Known Member Oct 12, 2021 #1 When you use only mars hydro #ledgrowlights in your garden, the results are amazing. Here we have the <a data-miniprogram-app #fc4800 #tsw2000 and #ts1000 pounding these ladies with amazing results. #marshydro #stepyourgameup #doyouevengrowbro #shoutouttothedew #cannacommunity #cannafam
When you use only mars hydro #ledgrowlights in your garden, the results are amazing. Here we have the <a data-miniprogram-app #fc4800 #tsw2000 and #ts1000 pounding these ladies with amazing results. #marshydro #stepyourgameup #doyouevengrowbro #shoutouttothedew #cannacommunity #cannafam
Mr Hill Well-Known Member Oct 13, 2021 #3 Mars Hydro tsw 2000 would cost me more with shipping and taxing, than a HLG 600 Rspec... Just saying you guys at Mars Hydro could work on that... Cuz i would love to use your light in my veg room.
Mars Hydro tsw 2000 would cost me more with shipping and taxing, than a HLG 600 Rspec... Just saying you guys at Mars Hydro could work on that... Cuz i would love to use your light in my veg room.