Positive people required!!

I dosed my 6 foot 4 work colleague with a cookie. I figured we would have the same tolerance...

He had to lay down on the couch. Hahah

I feel great!

Size doesn't ALWAYS matter!
I'm POSITIVELY high as shit on these weed cookies!!!

Yessi!!!! Miss you!! Been really busy the last couple of days, unexpectedly so. Just have a moment before Cat gets home, he had an errand to run but he'll be here very shortly so I need to finish up dinner.

I want a cookie!!! :D :P eat one for me please? :D

Haha...you know those irritating people who collect signatures outside of grocery stores and stuff for petitions? He was one of thsoe guys for a while...They're charging him with forging a bunch of signatures.

He swears by his innocence.

I think he did it...lol
He's bullshitting you. An old friend of mine got herself into the same kind of trouble only it was selling cell phones at Wal-Mart for some dude that she said seemed legit. Turns out they were stolen and she was charged with multiple counts. Swore her innocence but I later got her to admit she was full of it. They got her ass for 10 months in the hokie. Her bad.

Moral of the story?

if its too easy, its probably a bad idea ;)
Yessi!!!! Miss you!! Been really busy the last couple of days, unexpectedly so. Just have a moment before Cat gets home, he had an errand to run but he'll be here very shortly so I need to finish up dinner.

I want a cookie!!! :D :P eat one for me please? :D

He's bullshitting you. An old friend of mine got herself into the same kind of trouble only it was selling cell phones at Wal-Mart for some dude that she said seemed legit. Turns out they were stolen and she was charged with multiple counts. Swore her innocence but I later got her to admit she was full of it. They got her ass for 10 months in the hokie. Her bad.

Moral of the story?

if its too easy, its probably a bad idea ;)
Talk to me on the book...maybe ill send you a special gift from Canada!
Talk to me on the book...maybe ill send you a special gift from Canada!
For rilz??? U rock @yessi !!! :hug::hug:

Da book it is ;).it's been a day! I'm whooped and he's ptfo..he wasn't feeling so hot, Hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow, he is off for his summer vacation for the next ten days so I don't know how much I'll be on till after the 7th. I will definitely check in when I can though ;)

Well its super late for me and the bed is calling my name.

Be fly and stay high! :P oxox
Oooo Oooo that smell.

Just Now, there was some commotion on the deck that the cats brought to my attention. quickly released a tiny chipmunk was tangled in the edge of a roll of fine blk. mesh garden fencing I had sitting around. poor thing was extremely tangled. grabbed a pair of scissors and had the lil bugger free after few tense minutes. yay :-D

You da man, good job brother! :D ok passing out now,..

I stayed up for a long time, woke up headed to see a friend, the promoters had drama about stolen door fees, in a moment I decided this is shit and called a cab.

today I picked up some indian food a bottle of vodka and waiting on the storm to roll in.

going to have my lady drop by later for some cooking and maybe go shopping. I need new shoes and a video game or two.

@roseypeach @Yessica... you both have lovely weekends, I'm going to get pissy drunk and start prepping a late lunch! oh and make my neighbor some coffee and roll a doobie for us.
I stayed up for a long time, woke up headed to see a friend, the promoters had drama about stolen door fees, in a moment I decided this is shit and called a cab.

today I picked up some indian food a bottle of vodka and waiting on the storm to roll in.

going to have my lady drop by later for some cooking and maybe go shopping. I need new shoes and a video game or two.

@roseypeach @Yessica... you both have lovely weekends, I'm going to get pissy drunk and start prepping a late lunch! oh and make my neighbor some coffee and roll a doobie for us.
I wish you were MY neighbour. I'm sleepy and high. I would like both a doobie and a coffee.
I wish you were MY neighbour. I'm sleepy and high. I would like both a doobie and a coffee.
I'd make you a coffee and we could smoke many a doobies.

he's the best neighbor I could have really. his ex is a bitch but him and I chill for hours talking. he's helpedme so much since we starte talking again. he's a computernerd just like me so we spend a lot of time talking about them and or fixing up old ones and now he likes getting high with me.

biggest problem he thought he could keep up with me in ways and always ends up floored. hahaha best of all his ex says " you two are always over there doing drugs and having gay sex" I love that kind of demeanor she shows towards me and him.

I need to smoke a dab or two rain just started and I'm fucking bored
OK, since this is the "positive people" thread, I thought this might be the best place to post. I decided yesterday to get a little hazy in the early afternoon, about 2:00 PM. Loaded my vape because my next door neighbor was home and I don't like blowing smoke out the window when she's home. She's like 58 or so and doesn't seem to like me much. I can use the vape inside and in doesn't stink the house up. I much prefer my pipe.
Anyway, I pack a vape so I get 2-2.5 smoke sessions out of it. I hit it again at 2:45 and then a tiny bit (not much left) at 3:30. I had to leave to play a happy you gig at 4:30. I don't usually smoke or drink anything before I play because I can't remember lyrics if I do and don't feel my coordination is as good. I started playing at 6:00 (played from 6-8) and I was majorly hazy. I did just fine, but I was way too high to be playing in front of people. But managed ok. I get weird, like the pot police are going to come if anyone can tell. I don't think this will become a new thing though. Playing tonight at 8:00 and won't have anything before. I have to go to a wedding at 5 and then hurry over to the gig. And I might have one beer at the wedding. Kid getting married thinks I like PBR in the can because I sang a song about PBR so he's having one there for me. Don't have the heart to tell him I don't like it, and it was just a song. I will make him happy if I just enjoy it (or pour it out in the bathroom). Oh shit, and the place I'm playing at 8:00 is alcohol free (and not welcome) so I can't smell like beer. Oh well.
Isn't coffee and smoking weed great? A guy told me he gets all weird with a racing heart when he does it. Doesn't do that to me. I think it's awesome.
That's my weekend!

Plus a high dose of weed cookies!

Probably going to chill with the roommates and friends this eve and get higher than Jebus.

I may lay off the beer though. I had quite the head ache this morning. I hate that shit.
That's my weekend!

Plus a high dose of weed cookies!

Probably going to chill with the roommates and friends this eve and get higher than Jebus.

I may lay off the beer though. I had quite the head ache this morning. I hate that shit.
you still in the bay? I'm going to be there for a few days asbmy girl is driving to Manitoba for 2months.

I'll bring staggering drunkness nd an affinity for comedy( also have a large stash of ndtitnt with me)