Positive people required!!

thanks a bundle! yeah, it's stressful going through this big case. they threw me a plea deal if I rat on the guy who really did it I still get time. I know the loser will say I was there, but I ain't saying shit anyways my mom said some deep things to me I wanted to just cry. My cousin said shes with me as I go through my years, my other cousin is the reason I got bail and my brother kept my canteen loaded at all times.

just going to forget it all and behappy, the prison time will most likely be 3-5 years if convicted. but they got my ID all wrong so buddy best hold his mouth.
Do you have a strong neck?
thanks a bundle! yeah, it's stressful going through this big case. they threw me a plea deal if I rat on the guy who really did it I still get time. I know the loser will say I was there, but I ain't saying shit anyways my mom said some deep things to me I wanted to just cry. My cousin said shes with me as I go through my years, my other cousin is the reason I got bail and my brother kept my canteen loaded at all times.

just going to forget it all and behappy, the prison time will most likely be 3-5 years if convicted. but they got my ID all wrong so buddy best hold his mouth.
His word against yours? No others? Sounds slam dunk in your favor to me..especially if he has a rap sheet to boot.

I'm rootin for ya buddy ;)

just got all these pups bathed, gotta go build some more boxes and get this load ready for Cat when he gets home at 6. After tonight, there will be no more trips till the weekend, then we take the last of the furniture except the bed and couch. We're going to be roughin it till the end of the month. Kinda sucks but its what he wants to do. Least the house will be easy to clean! :lol:
Do you have a strong neck?
neck long like an ostrich...
His word against yours? No others? Sounds slam dunk in your favor to me..especially if he has a rap sheet to boot.

I'm rootin for ya buddy ;)

just got all these pups bathed, gotta go build some more boxes and get this load ready for Cat when he gets home at 6. After tonight, there will be no more trips till the weekend, then we take the last of the furniture except the bed and couch. We're going to be roughin it till the end of the month. Kinda sucks but its what he wants to do. Least the house will be easy to clean! :lol:
naw he's got a clean record but they picked him out of a photo lineup. He knows if he says to much he's liable to be hurt ad knows I've been in n out that jail for a long time. fed time should be ok bit easier time.

I ain'tscared of the jail time moreso the fact of a kid in couple months and I just let everyone down all the timw. oh well

oh I'm getting a red retriever soon, super amped for that
neck long like an ostrich...

naw he's got a clean record but they picked him out of a photo lineup. He knows if he says to much he's liable to be hurt ad knows I've been in n out that jail for a long time. fed time should be ok bit easier time.

I ain'tscared of the jail time moreso the fact of a kid in couple months and I just let everyone down all the timw. oh well

oh I'm getting a red retriever soon, super amped for that
So when do you have to serve your time? too bad you can't get one of these Heelers, they sure are awesome dogs
So when do you have to serve your time? too bad you can't get one of these Heelers, they sure are awesome dogs
I saw those pictures and want too. I could pick one up! well my bother I'm bqnned from the U.S. ya been on a waiting list for this dog for two years, my brothers girlfriend has one from same breeder.

I go back for pre-lim in june or july then another year for trial.prelim 3 days maybe 5(didn't pay attention) then a 2 week trial. trial isn't for two years atleast! long fuckingwait for that debacle
Good to hear. Told ya you would find a place!
Howdy stranger! :)

I know I've not been on a lot, this moving stuff is taking up all my time along with poopies er..puppies LOL

If all goes well, we'll be in the new house by Sunday. The only bad thing about that is my internet won't be switched over for another week or so. They have TWC (Time warner cable) available so I'm switching asap from AT&T, they absolutely suck man. My internet goes down at least once or twice a day O.o
Today has been calm and pretty usually. Having a Moscow Mule and smoking my recent harvest. 8Ball Kush from Barneys Farm. Couple snaps of a nugget.

I was so frazzled between phone calls, cleaning and packing I missed this post, sorry bout that brother. Those are some beautiful nugs!! :D
I saw those pictures and want too. I could pick one up! well my bother I'm bqnned from the U.S. ya been on a waiting list for this dog for two years, my brothers girlfriend has one from same breeder.

I go back for pre-lim in june or july then another year for trial.prelim 3 days maybe 5(didn't pay attention) then a 2 week trial. trial isn't for two years atleast! long fuckingwait for that debacle
So you don't serve till trial? I'm a bit confused...
fucking adorable...

Wanna see something
really adorable??

This is the little girl we're keeping :D



Are those Australian collies? They are great work dogs. Love to have a job...

They are Australian cattle dogs actually and they are great work dogs as well. Its hard to find purebreds like ours, we have a guy coming from Pennsylvania on Tuesday to pick one up. I may complain about poopie scooping a lot but its a very satisfying job! :)
well well well, gots to go, got another customer on the way from out of state and need to get some stuff done before he gets here. This is turning into a pretty fuckin fabulous day! Already made $$$ and haven't even gotten out of my jammies! :D

Was going to say you can always try raising the price on pups instead of lowering. Some people like to pay more knowing they're purebred. Are they AKC registered?
Nope, they aren't recognized here in the states, they're of the McNiven line which was bred to be a hard working breed, they are very intelligent, high energy and can tolerate heat up to 120f. The customers that know and understand the breed best aren't worried about papers, they just want a hard working dog with an excellent temperament.

They are recognized by the ANKC (Australian National Kennel) This explains all about our babies..

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