Positive people required!!

okay, so I find a random shroom. I pinch it, it turns blue. Then what?
Not RANDOM.....What you want to have a good idea of what your looking for....for example around me I have Gymnopilus (more uncommon) and P.Subbalteatus ....Both are closer to a decomposer of grass and wood then they are a poo lover like psilocybe

Pan. Subbalteatus

It make's it easier and safer if you first understand what your hunting....Goog your location and type in P cubensis and P cyanescens .....To see what pop's up ......Read the characteristics Like above P sub's leave a black spore print and have a very distinctive ring on the cap ....Some do not bruise like them for example somthing to do with cell structure.....
But Cubensis and cyanescen do....


and heres some examples of bruising pans


NOTE how they turn to a dark Blue where handled...This species is rampant down in FL,GA,AL.....And will almost alway's be found on DUNG (P.Cyan)which is why if I was gonna hunt em that is where I would start.....
@WHODAT@THADOR... No not random..lmao

that would NOT be good!!! Thankfully I have more sense than that ;)

I'm so stoned right now! and everybody is watching football but me. No tv here..FUCK!!! oh well, maybe soon, ex is supposed to turn the satellite on in a week or two. We shall see!!!
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ok I'm too goddamn high to hunt shrooms right now..

just walked all through the back, got a ton of cling ons and not a shroom for my very blurry and distorted tequila eyes to see...

maybe after the storms pass..;)
Hey @roseypeach I'm back! I got no good reason for having been away so long, so we'll just pretend it never happened, right?
It's 5:30am and I'm waiting for the kids to wake up and start looking out. I think something is wrong here...

man, just watched the Walking Dead..

what a killer episode!!! woot woot!

Rick and Judith...:D

some good, some bad..but always true to TWD..:D
Wow, 0730! A lie in! The small creature's awake, so it's time to get up.
Been waiting an age for the Walking Dead. Time to see if this 'Showbox ' app really is all that...

..I was shocked by some of it, boy when AL said it would be getting darker, he wasn't kidding.
Hahaha. I would if I could. Damn laws, pfft. :D

They are pretty damn potent, sends you from zero to chinked eyed super stoned in about 10 seconds. Been making it out of my AK48 harvest trim. Only takes a small little chunk too, very concentrated. Little smaller then a metal BB for a regular BB gun.