Positive people required!!

Never a bad time to smoke. :D

Four wheelin sounds fun as hell. It's freakin' 54f up here today, kind of cold haha.
Hell naw it ain't..;) :)

Four wheelin is the bomb.. my cuz needs to bring his ass and take me soon! :) its been cold here this morning, got down to 45f..had to turn the heat on! now its around 75f :D
I liked the poked in the heart, but the you're not real comment cracked me up. Maybe it was cause there are two of them? Idk, but hilarious.

Yeah, that was hilarious as hell..those girls were totally running him down :lol: and notice how the one twin/looks like twin is calmer than the other..then you have the screamer in the background. It was high school all over..lmfao!!!
Was going to play a game, but realized I deleted it. It was a free game offered from psn as a welcome back after the hack and I downloaded infamous as one of my games and I wanted to play it again and I couldn't find the download anywhere. I looked in my download and purchase lists and only found the demo. Then I decided what if I go and try and buy the game, so I go back to the playstation store, find the game and act like I'm gonna buy it and then a unicorn farted and a reward for 19.99 appeared in my account and allowed me to re download the game for free.

Now I'm having to wait for 7.5g of game data to download.