Possaible male plant???


Well-Known Member
Im almost at 2 and a half months from seed and at the end of last month i noticed on the main stem what appeared to be a tiny small stem joining off the side with a pod on the end of it so i clipped it off. Today i noticed on the second from top bud there was what appeared to be a lil pod with 2 hairs sticking out of it. Should i be worried??? I almost snipped it when i touched the bud my hand smelled kind of stinky almost like skunk. Idk if some females can produce seeds or how but there aint another plant around it
a pod with 2 hairs coming out of it? lol ive grown one plant so far...do you not do research? come on man just look around the site theres loads of threads about it...but it sounds like a female...good luck with ur grow mate...update us when you have figured out the sex


Well-Known Member
do NOT clip anymore off, with hairs coming out, sounds like a healthy female to me. WAIT longer to make sure. You should be concerned if mulitple pods are collecting in any one area, then u r seeing a male.


Well-Known Member
oh wow thankz guys. I believe the strain is of the lights/haze which ive read are mostly 99.9% females so i assume even a hermie is mostly female which means i will be able to smoke this ill try and put up a pic soon


Looks female, but and big but those feminized seeds can have strong hermy genetics in them if they have any heat or water stresses. So keep looking for male pistols. If you catch it early you can save the rest.