Possession/Ingestion of One Gram of Weed- The DA's Offer...


New Member
So my public defender (a pain in the ass that never returns my calls when she say she will and I gotta constantly fucking call her to get info and keep her on the ball) ...recieved the DA's offer today on my charges that I got last April for a gram of weed and ingestion.

Basically a 2-year probation period where I'm subject to random drug tests/alcohol screening...and if I slip up during that time, I go to jail for a year

She said that this DA typically just hands out these same "offers" to everybody with these charges, irrelevant the fact that I have no criminal history

I asked if we could negotiate and get a better deal...she said "oh yea absolutely" ...so I'm showing up for court 15 mins early on Wed...



Well-Known Member
Holy fuck! How old are you and what state do you live in?

That is absolutely ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
FUCKING REDICULOUS sorry that they are going to fuck u over on this shit drug testing is a bitch u will have to go down there all the time i fucking hate how they can subject u to prison time and random drug testing before u even go to trile at leat they did that to me and they sentanced me to 2 years and apply. bulll shit it was a suspended sentance and they said if i failed 1 more i go down the road im so glad im done with that shit GOOD LUCK MAN.
much love


New Member
FUCKING REDICULOUS sorry that they are going to fuck u over on this shit drug testing is a bitch u will have to go down there all the time i fucking hate how they can subject u to prison time and random drug testing before u even go to trile at leat they did that to me and they sentanced me to 2 years and apply. bulll shit it was a suspended sentance and they said if i failed 1 more i go down the road im so glad im done with that shit GOOD LUCK MAN.
much love
you got sentenced to 2 years....for what?


New Member
the ingestion charge carries the most harsh max penalty- one year in jail. My penalty, is my attorney read to me, "one year suspended" ...meaning I have to be good for a year and not get in trouble and pass drug tests and whatnot


Well-Known Member
The states sure are messed up when it comes to pot....I got caught smoking a doob and all I had to do was pay a $300 fine to crime-stoppers and my record was expunged


bud bootlegger
I was once arrested and charged with .04 grams of cannabis.. chew on that one for a second or two.. :D


Well-Known Member
you got sentenced to 2 years....for what?
yea it was a suspended sentance though so i only had to do the time if i failed another drug test needless to say i didnt fail ne more drug test lol so when it was all said and done i only had to do 6 months in county jail and around 3 years of supervised probation


Well-Known Member
i once got arrested 3 differnt times for weed in 2 weeks lol no lie i was a juvie though 1st time i told them to serch my car cause i relly though i didnt have ne thing in it so i let them and they found a old aluminm pipe and a pocket knife they also stole 20$ from me the 2nd time i pulled out of a gas station with no lighyts on my friend had a warrent so he jumped out and bolted and they eneded up findind 2 grams by the passenger seat the guy who ran droped it for me and my friend to take the wrap for he got caught right up the road and the 3rd time i was out past curfue and i forgot i acidently brought some pot with me lol. i ended up haveing to go to a boot camp called the bridge


Well-Known Member
its reduclous that anyone should have to go through such life changeing and dramatc experinces over a god given plant. takeing a child away from his family over that shit i mean common they got to pull up my juvie record to my suprise when i went to adult cort for drug charges but i wont get into all of that. needless to say ther is many people out there suffering over these strict marijuana laws. maby one day they will relise they are doing more harm then good untill then i will continue to live on the outskirts of society.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'm interested on the injestion charge. If you deny it and say it was gum, then how can they charge you. Laws may have changed, but when I was in college (before most of you were born) a few people I knew used Mapp vs Ohio to get out of that when the cops wanted to pump thei stomachs...something about illegal search and seizure. Not a lawyer...just asking a question.


New Member
well, how about that....

I got off on "pre-trial diversion"

Meaning, so long as I don't get in trouble for the next 11 months, it goes away. No criminal record, no fines...and minimum court fees. sweet


Active Member
i had a case for a 2nd degree grand theft and i got pre-trial for a 18 months no conviction. i fucked up and got put on state probation for failing a drug test but still no conviction. benefits of getting a lawyer. you have only yourself to blame