The way it was explained to me by a Bernallio Cty. Sheriff is:
6 Oz. dry, ready to smoke.
Maturing plants don't count, nor do immature (non-flowering) plants (seedlings also don't count against the 6 plants, but don't get stupid about it.)
Oils, preparations (tinctures, honey oil, etc.) don't count against the 6 Oz. limit.
The best way to make sure you are compliant is to talk to LEO in your area.
EDIT: Instead of changing it, I'm adding what the statute says:
6 oz usable; 16 plants (4 mature, 12 immature)
So, 4 in flower (mature) and 12 seedlings/non-flowering.
Again, if you are licensed to grow for yourself, check with the local PD about YOUR limits, and THEIR interpretation of the law.