Possible Cloning Questions


Active Member
I want to grow again, and do a much better grow but I cant really get another seed unless I order from the internet which I find kinda sketchy since im not medical ;) but heres a pic of my plant, im about 3 days into flowering ( note its a pc stealth frist time grow so dont chrip )


I'v had a few ideas on cloning but i dont know if theyll work but its just an idea i cam up with.

I wanted to cut off a leaf with some good thick stem and then put the stem in a plastic bag with some paper towel.. kinda like how you germinate seeds. Then put it in my grow box to keep it somewhat warm and give the plant some food. I hope you understand im incredibly high right now and didnt want to forget to make this forum post. I drew a picture to help explain and add epicness



Active Member
Just cut off a branch, stick it in some soil, wet the soil good and stick a dome on it (plastic wrap/baggy/whatever) for 10 days. That's all I do. while it may be possible to get a leaf to shoot roots I doubt it grow a healthy plant that would yield anything. Buds don't grow off leaves they shoot from the main stalk above where the fan stems meet the main stem. Cloning is easier than a lot of people make it sound.