Possible help to fellow newbies


only 2nd time post here. I thought I would share with a few of you one thing I didn't know what it was till I researched on here, and after a few days of waiting, seemed to prove what it was.

Might be helpful in at least eliminating one documented sign of possible problems.

So some info on these pics:

Seed was blue mystic from nirvana
Growing medium 2 different potting soils (needed more for the 5 gal transfer.)
Soil had little NPK, or the typical - whatever it may be for potting soil -
Used evergreen fertilizer (has higher nitrogen)

Seedling (sprouted september 10th)
(pic taken on 9-22)
2013-09-22 10.12.56 (1).jpg

then did update pic. Shortly after that, I remember I misted the leaves a bit with some water. What I didn't know is my lights were too close at this stage.
2013-10-05 23.37.24.jpg2013-10-05 23.37.29.jpg (these are the update pics I mentioned, taken on 10-05)

So below, you are seeing update pics from tonight. I first noticed weird splotching on leaves. The funny thing is I thought I ruled out the water because all leaves seemed to be doing it. Thought there was a fungus, or the millions of other possible things (since I'm a newb I didn't know how to narrow it down.) But I just decided to keep on going, since it was still growing strong, and I think a post on here mentioned misting plants and lights too close. As you can see from the pictures below, 2 fan leaves really got splotched bad from the droplets of water from the spray bottle.

I removed 2 almost dead lower leaves (tiny ones after the coytledon leaves) but new growth is shooting out quick now. So it looks like it will survive but just thought I'd share that incase anyone was wondering about the water and light problem on the leaves.



Yea, I was reading a book called the marijuana horticulture bible today. Mentioned misting underneath the leaves for the stomata. I just did it wrong haha


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't even mist. Water normally mix the nutes per gallon ph it correctly and feed/water that way.

misting is more for clones, that have been cut and don't got roots. Once they get roots. They don't get misted either. It messes leaves up like yours and is often mistaken for a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I mist the whole plant from time to time. If you have proper air movement and lights not too close you shouldn't get light burned. But like I say mist, not spray them down! I can't say misting really does anything with just water but I like to do it for just the hell of it. I like to think it gives them a fast drink.