Possible herm plant


Active Member
My, plants have been in flowering for a week now and I do believe one of my plants my be a herm. I have noticed the little white hairs starting at the top of the plant but a couple nodes down I have what looks like the tell tell sign of balls any help or advice is much appreciated. I am planning on leaving the plant alone until I have more definitive proof of which way it is going my other plants are not showing any signs of balls all of them are showing nothing but the white hairs. Sorry if the pics aren't magnified enough got as close as possible with my camera have circled the areas in red to help show them.



Well-Known Member
pics aren't detailed enough to tell properly, even if it is balls, it is still a couple weeks before any pollen will be there so keep a close eye on it.


Active Member
Sorry aboot that camera isn't the greatest I tried to get in close these might be a little better. I'm going to keep a very close eye on it don't want no seedy smoke. If I was to keep the plant how far away from the others would I need to keep it so it doesn't pollinate the other girls.



Weed Modifier
Sorry aboot that camera isn't the greatest I tried to get in close these might be a little better. I'm going to keep a very close eye on it don't want no seedy smoke. If I was to keep the plant how far away from the others would I need to keep it so it doesn't pollinate the other girls.
its a hermie, male and female parts...those clusters of balls are male parts. if you don't want seed.... you need to remove that hermie from your room/area especially if you have other females... do you have a separate area to finish the hermie?


Active Member
Yea, I have a separate room where I grow in a closet using my old 150watt hps. The room its currently in is only 1 room away from that one. I have heard that pollen can travel quite far if I need more distance than that might just stick it outside, and see how it does never had a herm before and would just like to see how it develops etc.


Weed Modifier
Yea, I have a separate room where I grow in a closet using my old 150watt hps. The room its currently in is only 1 room away from that one. I have heard that pollen can travel quite far if I need more distance than that might just stick it outside, and see how it does never had a herm before and would just like to see how it develops etc.
well if you want to see it develop put it in other room by itself...cut off all balls/pods that you notice in next few weeks, even one male pod(opened) can seed a whole crop :(
keeping an eye out for new balls, castrate as you see them. you can still smoke a hermie long as there are not too many seeds in it, which removing all male parts should deter this from happening...good luck hope it all work out for you...and if you are really worried about it, pollinating the rest, than outside is even better.


Active Member
Thanks, for all the advice lime I'll move it over to the other room and cut off all balls I see. How risky is it cutting off a unopened ball sack? For example when you cut it is there a chance some pollen will come out of it?


Weed Modifier
Thanks, for all the advice lime I'll move it over to the other room and cut off all balls I see. How risky is it cutting off a unopened ball sack? For example when you cut it is there a chance some pollen will come out of it?
no problem :)
....its still early in flower...thats why you want to get them as they start to form, less risk of one being ripe...just don't cut any in the room with females, do it in separate room, then wash hands/change clothes even shower before going in room with other females...just to be safe!