possible herm?


Well-Known Member
Kindddda looks like a pollen sac...but the picture isn't as close/clear as I would like to be able to tell.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
you got yourself a herm there buddy, if you can clip em do it... but the longer it grows the more sacs it grows so it gets a little tiring if your gonna grow more than 1 plant. if you cant put it into a seperate flowering room, it pitch it... but remember, it takes a little while for the sacs to open up and release the pollin so if you want to wait a few days just to make sure, i would.

i mean shoot, wait a day or two and take another pic or two so we can be sure. hope this helps man, happy growing


Active Member
thanks man, ill keep my eye on it, as i said its just the one for now. ill take another pic tomorrow afternoon

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
np bro, from that pic it def looks like a pollen sac, if so.. im sure you know what to do ;) either way ill be back on tomorrow to check up


Active Member
if it turns to def be a herm how will it affect the plant? will the buds still be smokable/ hashable ? i only have the one plant in that tent so theres no worry of pollination

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
if i were you then i would just grow it out, all it means is that the plant will grow male pollen sacs along with the female catalyst. this means that the sacs will eventually polinate your baby and it will produce seeds. the clusters of catalysts (or buds) will still be smokable after you dry and cure it properly, you'll only have to worry about picking out the stems and seeds hehe. also remember, one of the main reasons that we dont want our girlies to grow seeds is becuase (from what ive been told) it increases resin production to more than 20%, because instead of the plant useing its energy to produce seeds, it uses it to promote resin growth (the more resin, the better possability of catching pollin!)

the main cuase of hermaphrodites is... the light leak peeker! lol. you gotta make sure no light at all what-so-ever gets in your grow room during night time flowering hours. it scares the shit outta them and they think the world is ending or something lol! and it triggers something in the plant and it goes into survival mode to ensure the survival of its species... it grows both male and female parts so she will still bear seeds, and go on surviving.

hope this helps bro, if you take the time to carefully detect and snip off all of the pollen sacs and dont break them open... you can save your plant from having a SHIT ton of seeds to just a very few, but its tedius work and not for the faint of patience lol! peace man!


Active Member
HI,, thanks alot man, def helps.. shes def hermed on me.. under closer inspection ive found 3 sites total, with bannanas, i wet them with a q tip then plucked them off. will continue to do so. , it makes sense she hermied on me,, i only got my tent last week,, before that she was in a closet with some definite light leaks.


Active Member
thanks,, lol.. i pulled all i could find last night. will do another inspection at 3 30 my time, ( 2.5hrs ). ill keep it posted if i find more


Active Member
just passed inspection, : ) no more nanners ( not yet anyway ) i will be keeping a close eye on her


Well-Known Member
Did the plants experience any stress at any point? Do u have any light poisoning going on during the off cycle? Was it from fem'd seeds?


Active Member
it is a definite possibility that she got light leakage early in flowering.i only got my grow tents a last week.. not from fem'd seed.
ive hear that fem'd seeds are a little more prone to hermie. i will be buying regular seeds from now on, my next grow is 5 fem'd il diavolo auto flowering. seeds i bought about a month back