Possible Location for outdoor grow?

So while I am waiting on my seed order and getting paid this friday ,to build the rest of the indoor grow, I had to find something to occupy my time. I had a hand full of bag seed just sitting around and decided I'd have a little fun. So there germinated and planted in some cups in a make shift grow box I created (cardboard and duct tape). They are already showing roots =). However, I will only havde enough room in my actual indoor grow for the few strains I selected. So I'm thinking of letting these bag seeds run their course out side while I work with the ladies indoors. I took as hike today out back and wondered into some local woods. I found a pretty good break in the tree canopy that should allow for alot of sunlight. If not there are numerous locations along the edge of the woods. Their is a small creek that runs through but nothing big enough to really attract that many animals. As I walked through I noticed the soil was moist in most areas. I know no one ever goes back there and that I could easily hide the plants. What do you think

Photo Mar 20, 1 20 01 PM.jpgPhoto Mar 20, 1 31 00 PM.jpgPhoto Mar 20, 1 28 38 PM.jpgPhoto Mar 20, 1 28 55 PM.jpgPhoto Mar 20, 1 29 48 PM.jpgPhoto Mar 20, 1 30 05 PM.jpg

Also found some black planting pots back there but I doubt anyone has been back there in a quite some time.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Look like a hay field to me, and one that has been mowed somewhat recently (last fall..)

Farmers are usually out in the hay fields at least 5 times a year or so, even if you dont think anyone goes there, it looks like they do to me.

Also, when your sitting on your tractor cutting hay all day, you tend to look around, check on your land...

Also that looks like a great fall hunting spot, right when you want to harvest...

I would keep away from big clearings, and farmers land.


i wouldnt even have gotten on here and posted those pictures. how can you be 100% no one on this website knows where that spot is and would not love to rip you off or snitch you out. seems pretty sketch to me
Be my guest if you can figure out where I am from, lets see what you have to go on...trees, grass, trees...good luck. I know no one goes back there because we own it...or rather my grandfather does.

Update: The seeds germinated in about 2-3 days and are just now sprouting. I just discovered my camera is dead so hopefully I'll get some up before I have to go to work.


Active Member
when looking for a outdoor location i try to find a northen slope for best all around sun, something close to water,can either bucket water to your grow or run a pump and line to your grow area. the slope will help with watering also. some plant there crop together some like to space them out for better stealth grow. im getting ready also and that was my thought when i scout this wk