Possible mistaken identity! Help with choosing a winning seed!


New Member
Hi, gang. I bought three Blue Cheese seeds from RQS. My plan was to germinate them, pick the best and clone from it.
As a result, one barely popped, and the other two looked very healthy. After a week, one was very run of the mill, the other looked to be absolutely thriving. Another week passed and one was literally twice as tall as the other with huge node intervals.

I initially thought that I had a winner with one of them, but upon closed inspection, they are wildly different. One is stout with very Indica looking fingers, the other is very tall with very Sativa looking fingers.

Both plants have been drinking from the same teat, in the same environment and to reiterate, they came out of the same packet!

I have attached some pictures of them both. I have butchered one for clones as it had outgrown it's space.

I am going to cultivate the lanky one first and when it's harvested, I'll put the stout one in. But what are your views?

  1. Is one likely to be a seed that has got mixed up in the BC batch
  2. Is one it just a freak of nature?
  3. Which one would you guys say was the Blue Cheese? I've never grown it before.
Thanks in advance, CK


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Well-Known Member
they're probably both bc just different phenotypes the sativa Dom one will probably have a longer flower time than the indica looking one...i doubt they muddled up your order on purchase but it's a possibility


Well-Known Member
I would also like to say that the only viable way to know for sure if a plant is a keeper for a mother is to take clones and flower them.

you can not determine its flowering potential based purely on veg time.