possible over/under watering?


Active Member
hey, well i went in to check on the girls tonight and I found 2 of them beginning to droop. Im maintaining a watering schedule every other day at the same time. i judge by weight of the pot. im also still new at this so i dont want to jump to conclusions. i just hope it is something as simple as this :)These are all the same girl. i would love to get her back into shape. she is halfway into week 2. sorry for the fuzzy pics as my camera is MIA right now. any advice would be much appreciated. thanx in advanceIMG_0361.JPGIMG_0366.JPGIMG_0365.JPGPS: i looked at the "look here first post, but the pics arent working so it was not a whole lot of help

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If you want real help, you need to give more then just I think I might have over watered or under watered. PH, Type of medium, type of nuts, amount of nuts, temps, humidity. All conditions are needed to give good sound advice. I do see some funky colored leafs. They are to dark of color. They are so dark they almost look blue. But that might be the camera.

This might be to much Nitrogen. But this is just a stab in the dark.


Active Member
okay bro. sorry for the lack of info. here you go soil = (2 parts)Fox Farm Ocean Forest (1 part) Miracle Grow Perlite --- recommended from another person NUTES = Blue Moon 2 part series PH = about 5.8-6 and my humidity is about 45%

here are a couple pics now that is sleepy time with a better cam P1030675.JPGP1030676.JPGP1030673.JPGP1030677.JPGnow the first 3 are the one from the pics above and the last is a sweet tooth i got from a friend
(she is doing great). right next to my sickly girls.:wall:


Active Member
Dude, your plants look great.

They will always droop during lights out and it takes about an hour for them to perk up when the lights go back on.

When watering, water until it comes out of the bottom of the pot and dont water again until the soil is completely dried out 2-3 inches below the soil.

Did you just switch them to flower recently? The leaves will always look jacked up in flower because of lack of nitrogen.

Dont worry man.. dont over luv them.. They are just fine


Active Member
Dude, your plants look great.

They will always droop during lights out and it takes about an hour for them to perk up when the lights go back on.

When watering, water until it comes out of the bottom of the pot and dont water again until the soil is completely dried out 2-3 inches below the soil.

Did you just switch them to flower recently? The leaves will always look jacked up in flower because of lack of nitrogen.

Dont worry man.. dont over luv them.. They are just fine
yeah bro, i thought someone might think it was cuz of lights out. the first 3 pics were after 10hrs lights on, just blurry, so i took a few more. thanx for the vote of confidence though:) much needed for a new grower

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Dude, your plants look great.

They will always droop during lights out and it takes about an hour for them to perk up when the lights go back on.

When watering, water until it comes out of the bottom of the pot and dont water again until the soil is completely dried out 2-3 inches below the soil.

Did you just switch them to flower recently? The leaves will always look jacked up in flower because of lack of nitrogen.

Dont worry man.. dont over luv them.. They are just fine
My plants don't droop during lights out... Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Random leaf curl like that can be caused by a toxicity of nitrogen, it certainly is not
a lack of N. Possibly your fox farm OF plus nutes might be Nitrogen heavy.

Also your pH is very low. 6.5-7.0 is money in soil. Your pH is more suitable for Hydroponics.

kbo ca

Active Member
when leaves curl and twist something is wrong. Before you water lift up your pot. Is it heavy? If it is it doesn't need water. Keep lifting them daily when they start to feel light get that water ready. Good luck man keep at it!


Active Member
hey, well i went in to check on the girls tonight and I found 2 of them beginning to droop. Im maintaining a watering schedule every other day at the same time. i judge by weight of the pot. im also still new at this so i dont want to jump to conclusions. i just hope it is something as simple as this :)These are all the same girl. i would love to get her back into shape. she is halfway into week 2. sorry for the fuzzy pics as my camera is MIA right now. any advice would be much appreciated. thanx in advanceView attachment 1405689View attachment 1405691View attachment 1405690PS: i looked at the "look here first post, but the pics arent working so it was not a whole lot of help
when leaves curl and twist something is wrong. Before you water lift up your pot. Is it heavy? If it is it doesn't need water. Keep lifting them daily when they start to feel light get that water ready. Good luck man keep at it!
KBO thanx for the reply, but as you can see, i dont know alot but i do know that:) that is what i said was my system of watering. but again, thanx anyway bro

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I think if you took a mix of what these people have said, you will be in the ZONE. Lower the amount of nuts you are giving them, (to much Nitrogen). And raise your PH up to 6.5-7.0 and I bet within a week or so you will see a difference. But all in all the plants are looking good. Pretty dam good for a first grow. :clap:


Active Member
I think if you took a mix of what these people have said, you will be in the ZONE. Lower the amount of nuts you are giving them, (to much Nitrogen). And raise your PH up to 6.5-7.0 and I bet within a week or so you will see a difference. But all in all the plants are looking good. Pretty dam good for a first grow. :clap:
Okay bro, well I flushed the soil and went and picked up some ph up brought it up to about 6.5-7 will see if there is any change. Thanx. Btw. During veg my tap water was @ 7.0 now 9 weeks later ( halfway into week 2) tap water is down to about 6-6.5


Active Member
I'd say flush 'em and then let them dry out for a few days. If during the flush the leaves perk up (or shortly there after) it was probably a wee nute burn. Under-watering is better than over watering - and if it's one of those two problems it should be easy to deduct by a couple days of dry longer than you normally give them. The plants will tell ya.


Active Member
I'd say flush 'em and then let them dry out for a few days. If during the flush the leaves perk up (or shortly there after) it was probably a wee nute burn. Under-watering is better than over watering - and if it's one of those two problems it should be easy to deduct by a couple days of dry longer than you normally give them. The plants will tell ya.
yeah bud, they are in there drying now!!!! i just pre-made the solution.. there are still 3 that i didnt flush so they will be needing some water soon.

kbo ca

Active Member
oh i see your title is possible over watering or under watering like you did't know what was up. sounds like you have it all figured out. i guess i don't understand your problem then


Active Member
haha, i had no clue until everyone else helped me out:) i just hope im on the right track now. guess we will see in a couple days. i will be sure to post new pics of the ladies WHEN they start improving


Active Member
Well. I'm now about to be starting week 5 and they are still droopy, but still growing. I have done 2 flushes and switched nutes. And I even added an extra 1000w bulb. No change except now they are turning yellow


Well-Known Member
I have had a similar problem. and watering and nutes also didn't solve it, but re-potting did. The tap root seemed to have been obscured by an ugly root growth from the soil (use coco or clay for bulletproof growth imo) as a result, I had a whole spectrum of the symptoms from various deficiencies but I knew I was using good quality nutes.

If all else fails, re-pot. Might be too late for that now though. Maybe somebody else can shed some light