Possible pest solution?


Well-Known Member
I am more than likely going to be moving my 11 day old seedlings inside to a tent once it arrives next week. I understand this is not recommended due to the pest problems that are likely to happen. My question is....would it be ok to have like a lavender and/or sage plant in the tent with my plants? I have read they can help deter pests so didn’t know if that would be a solution. Any other pesticide recommendations are appreciated. I have read about avamax and one other but I’d rather those be a last resort. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
The problem is when you take plants from outside and put them with plants that are already inside. In your case, the only issue will be if your plants have bugs on them once you bring them inside, not so much that you're infecting plants that already existed inside.. There are varying IPM (Integrated Pest Management) products you can use to help safe guard them from anything they may have, based upon your growing philosophies (Organic / Non Organic, etc). I would however, tread lightly while they're little, so as not to burn them with whatever you choose to use. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The problem is when you take plants from outside and put them with plants that are already inside. In your case, the only issue will be if your plants have bugs on them once you bring them inside, not so much that you're infecting plants that already existed inside.. There are varying IPM (Integrated Pest Management) products you can use to help safe guard them from anything they may have, based upon your growing philosophies (Organic / Non Organic, etc). I would however, tread lightly while they're little, so as not to burn them with whatever you choose to use. Good luck.
Thank you for that info. This is my first grow ever so I’m constantly trying to soak up the knowledge. I currently don’t have any plants inside. These will be going into a brand new tent, lights, etc. I thought about putting buying those other plants from Home Depot, etc. to put in there with them to deter the pests. I’m gonna let them ride for a few weeks til they’re bigger for sure though, just trying to get ahead of it!! Thanks for your insight.