I planted a couple seeds less then 2 days ago straight into soil without germinating them first in a small pot, today one of the seeds i discovered was sitting on top of the soil with the tap root just developing, so i put that back in, i went to the other container where the other seed was and being an idiot and curious dug a little bit in with a plastic fork and discovered the seed and taproot going down into the soil. my mom decided it would be a good idea to use a plastic spoon and take the whole thing out to look at. stupid. i found a thin root growing from the tap root about an inch and a half long, what my question is, i put it back in with the root facing down but will it still survive? it seemed as if the root hadn't attached itself to the soil yet and it was pulled out clean with out any breaking or damage to the root. If any part of the root did break, is it going to survive and sprout and also if there was no damage to the root because it wasn't attached to the dirt yet, will it survive?