Possible to Harvest without killing?


Active Member
Is it possible to Harvest my Girl without killing Her? I've read a couple of things online that say you can just cut the buds off and/or cut some of the branches with buds on 'em and then after you get all the buds off, hang them up like you usually would and cure like normal. Will this work? Also, they say after you get all the buds off Her you just put Her back on 24/0 or 18/6 and after a few weeks of Her vegging again you can switch the lights back to 12/12 or 11/13 and She will Flower again. Is this true too? They also said your Harvest probably wont be as big as the first, which makes since, but is any of this shit true? Or should I just kill my Baby when its time? ~ JRock.


Well-Known Member
Yeah! It's true. But why would you want to? Just because "you can", doesn't mean it's the best thing to do! Revegging is kind of like a "cheap trick" - it sounds like magic, but in truth, you don't come out ahead.

What you get is a deminished yield for a quicker turnaround time. But by the time you figure in your recovery time and everything else, you end up losing in the longrun.

If your goal is to produce the maximum amount of bud in a given time, revegging ain't the answer! If it was, everybody would be doing it - wouldn't they?