Possible to induce flowering ASAP?


Active Member
Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to switch plants over to half n half as early as possible to get some flowers without having a big plant. Effect on yield doesnt matter. THX


Well-Known Member
Yep, like Mr. Sunshine said.. It isn't going to be mature enough to start producing flowers until it is ready. If you go 12/12 from seed you will end up with a 3 week wait anyway. You just lose out on the growing time with the additional hours of light. I would logically say that 12/12 from seed will result in lower yields, even so, I have seen some pretty big plants that were grown 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
how much if any do you think it effects potency flowering early? i always like to give 2 runs to give em a chance and 2nd run from cut almost always is better.


Well-Known Member
two runs?? how will it effect potency??? For having 2000 posts on this website, you seemingly have never grown a plant... lol! It will not affect the potency at all. What the fuck does two runs mean? are you re-vegging your plants? if so, that will surely affect potency, and seems like a waste of time instead of just cutting some healthy clones... I don't know why I even search this forum. Its always people acting like they know everything about growing when most members are just kids sitting in their parents house... done.