possible trouble with month old plant???


ok... i have this plant in my closet... she was transplanted into a larger container and better soil ( container mix) about 4 days ago. Since then, she has started to curl down on the edges of the leaves and started to get a little discoloration on edges of leaves also... seems to be a bit purple in the stems of the leaves. wondering if it was possible transplant shock or over watering or something more severe...any suggestions would be great... roots seem to be growing well, reaching sides of new container already... but she is worrying me...

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Keep an eye on her and cut down watering if you suspect this may be it - it is easier to over water than thought. For the purpling of the stems (if it is not a purp strain) I would suggest getting "Cal-Mag" additive. It has something to do with the calcium and magnessium levels of your nutes - I think.


here r a few pics of her now... best i could get with the camera i have...
day 22-5.jpgday 22-2.jpg
day22-3.jpgday 22-4.jpg
day 22-1.jpg

as u can see... the edges of the leaves are turning dark and the leaves are curling.. any ideas?


not quite sure what temps r...dont have thermometer... room temps r around 22-23c... with lights above plants i would get a little higher than that... she was doing alright until i transplanted her.. then she started this crap... damn finicky women...


what kind of soil did u use?
if it's straight from outside the soil may not be leting the oxegen the rootz love so much.
easy way to tell if it needs watering is to poke a hole an inch deep and if it's dry to the touch it needs to be watered.
if u haven't givin it nutes it may need it at this point. when are u planning on flowering them?
or as buddy said^ may be temperature in purp family.
i had purple skunk before stems did turn purple but i was in flowerin though


well i was using crappy potting soil then transplanted to Hortibec container mix with humus, peat moss, compost, sand, calcinated clay and perlite...


don't know what ph is like... no meter at this time...

was going to start flowering @ day 21 (just wanted a small plant to start for first grow) which would have been yesterday... but i think i might wait a couple days to see if i can get this problem under control first...


ok... so i switch lighting to about 18\6 and after a good nights sleep... she seems to be less curled and doesn't seem to be drooping as much. I will leave it @ this for a day or so... to see if everything is ok... if she is alright, I will start flowering on day 30.
i will try to get new pics up today...


ok... so here are a few pics from today...
she is looking a little better today.
day 23-2.jpgday 23-3.jpg
day 23-1.jpg

still a little curling... but nothing like what it was...
gonna give it a couple days and see how she goes.


Well-Known Member
Just looks like normal transplant shock to me. Nothing to be worried about; you're doing fine. Watch, now that you transplanted, your roots can grow further and you're gunna see a sudden boost in growth. Also, you should start giving small amounts of nutes if you haven't already


was giving her small common plant food spikes.. but stopped for a couple days during transplant... was gonna start again after everything is ok again...

trichlone fiend

New Member
Just looks like normal transplant shock to me. Nothing to be worried about; you're doing fine. Watch, now that you transplanted, your roots can grow further and you're gunna see a sudden boost in growth. Also, you should start giving small amounts of nutes if you haven't already
I agree, give them a few days to bounce...don't stress your look'n good,but, I would wait about 2 weeks after transplant before adding more fertz. imo.


right on... thanx guys.. u have taken a HUGE weight off my shoulders... was getting really worried there for a day or so... but i think we'll survive...
and I think I will wait about a week or so b4 fert... don't wanna burn her...


Well-Known Member
right on... thanx guys.. u have taken a HUGE weight off my shoulders... was getting really worried there for a day or so... but i think we'll survive...
and I think I will wait about a week or so b4 fert... don't wanna burn her...
Yup. np. Just one last thing. You shouldn't be using those common plant food spikes. I've heard bad things about them. Go out and get some real organic nutrients


ok... will do... i just got back from the hardware store... bought two 19 watt 6500k cfl's to switch with two of the three 13 watt lights i currently have... when i switched them out... she was looking really good...very little curling... has grown about 1\8 inch... since early this morning...


Active Member
ok... will do... i just got back from the hardware store... bought two 19 watt 6500k cfl's to switch with two of the three 13 watt lights i currently have... when i switched them out... she was looking really good...very little curling... has grown about 1\8 inch... since early this morning...
They have higher watt CFLs that you can buy online... I bought a 43 watt on amazon for a little over $10. I know it sounds sketch but the bulb came in one piece and works great. You can go even bigger, but the prices get up there the higher the wattage.


i saw some 40 watt's and i think a 60 watt cfl @ Canadian tire... but they were all 2700k... very difficult to find 6500k 'round here...