Possible Zinc issue???


Well-Known Member
+rep to all reasonable responses

Well from the threads on here im thinking it might be the start of a zinc deficiency. But I am not sure and would like some other opinions.

The plants are almost 3 weeks old now and they are starting to turn a light green almost yellow color in between the veins. I use General Hydroponics Maxi Grow nutes and Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Right now the plants are in 16 ounce cups and i would like to keep them there for a little longer. I feed with full strength nutes every third watering and I keep my pH between 6.2 and 6.5. My box temperature is usually around 76*F. I use RO filtered water. Trying to think of any other details...... Well I cant think of anything else attached is three pictures first is Pure Afghani, second is Nevilles Haze, and Third is THC Bomb. Oh and just an extra of them all together. If you need more details please let me know.


It looks to me like a nute deficiency. My understanding is that if the whole leaf is yellow not enough nitrogen. I'm only on my 2nd grow so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply hpoteat. If it was a Nitro deficiency the yellowing would be more drastic and not limited to just between the veins. Thats why I think its a Zinc issue, but I just wanted to get a couple more opinions. Ok I guess if I have too.... +rep for anyone who will help me.


Well-Known Member
Trying to identify the issue and fix it is really hard, because if you have a nitrigon diff it also locks up the maganeasum which would make you think it's mag but it's not it's nitrigon. See what I mean???

So what you do is go get some Cal-Mag and use it at 1/4 recommended for the next 2 water's and than stop you should be out of the cups then. You should see a difference in 3 to 5 days.

I used it for years but don't now because I am Organic, but if I had a issue I would use it.



Cal-Mag Plus is a specialized plant supplement designed to compensate for the deficiencies in some nutrient fertilizer programs and hydroponic liquid nutrient formulas. It prevents blossom end rot in plants such as tomatoes and peppers and tip burn in lettuce by acting as a catalyst for major elements to work in symbiosis with one another. Cal-Mag is widely used to help prevent dry and withered flowers and fruits and increase water and nutrient uptake. This plant supplement is an excellent addition to your flower and vegetable fertilization routine.


Well-Known Member
I understand what you are saying, but I've seen both nitrogen and magnesium deficiencies and this is neither of those (in my opinion.) I think this is a Zinc issue. Does Cal-Mag contain Zinc as well? The Nutes i use contain both Calcium and Magnesium. When I was running my DWC setup i had a Magnesium deficiency using Ionic. I switched to GH Maxi series and the problem went away. This is another reason why I dont think its Mag or Nitro.


Well-Known Member
Would adjusting my pH at all help with the absorption of the trace minerals? I try to keep my pH around 6.3...


Well-Known Member
I think your PH is OK if that is a accurate reading, check your meter with calibrating solution.

Cal mag has zinc in it too, it is a good product and has most trace elements in it. I start every reservoir change with it. For me I find it stabilizes my waters PH a lot. You can use it as a foliar feed and see right away (OK over night) if it working or not.

I would think it is more a PH problem only because 3 weeks isn't shit for foxfarm soil, it's good stuff and should have most of what your plant needs for that short amount of time...Good luck and let us know ...... JR


Well-Known Member
Alright I got my Cal-Mag, and also some Diamond Nectar today. As soon as I can peel myself off the couch I'm gonna water at 1/4 strength nutes along with the CM and DN. I also heard from a good source to raise my Ph to 6.8 so I'm gonna give that a try as well. Ill post back after something changes if anyone's interested. Also this will all be in my new grow journal I just started, link is in my signature.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the plants are in solo blue plastic cups... Those plants tap roots are already wrapping the bottom of those cups. The cups are good for about the first 14 days, and then it is time to pot up. The new soil may take care of the deficiency, unless you are using RO water, then, as everyone else has said, Cal-Mag...

Plants otherwise are extremely healthy looking. You are on this problem in it's very early stage. No worries. :)