Possibly a Potassium (k) Deficiancy but im not sure


Active Member
Hi there,

I have 2 plants in veg stage, i think they might have a potassium deficiency but im not sure, about 2 weeks ago they had quite a few spider mites which went unnoticed for a few days until the plants started looking a bit unhealthy, since then the spider mites have been removed but the plants haven't recovered, they have purple stems which have lightly started to go away after a few days but its not completely gone, the leaves are yellowing from the outside towards the center like a Nitrogen and potassium deficiency and are curling down slightly, not a lot, a lot of the young leaves have little yellow tips and the older leaves also have yellowing tips but they also have slight burnt tips, some leaves also have little brown spots, they look like burn marks caused by a potassium deficiency, some older leaves also have rust color blotches like a potassium deficiency. Little leaves have started developing rust colored marks, like a nutrient burn, like its been burnt from the tips but i doubt its over fertilization, how would i know the different though??

It could very well be a potassium deficiency but Ive read that with a potassium deficiency its likely that Phosphorus becomes toxic and the plants need to be flushed. What should i do next? If i just feed more NPK for a N or K deficiency it could make a nutrient burn a toxicity worst but if i flush wouldn't that make the N or K deficiency worst???

Please, can anybody help me??




Well-Known Member
flush you plants soil with pH balanced water(6.2 - 6.8), run a fan on the plants to dry the soil out thouroughly. If something is causing toxicity it will cure that problem. If you had mites it could also be a bug problem. spider mites suck juices out of the plant which in turn makes your plants leaves turn yellow because the mites dry out the leaves drastically! the spider mites may not be completely disposed of! treatment of spidermites is an ongoing process, not something that you can do once and completely get rid of.. during the summer months spider mites can hatch up to 7 generations of mites! a solution to rid these pests should be take once(sumtimes twice) every week! also i dont see your plants having a Potassium defficiency since potassium isnt as crucial to a plants health until the flowering stage of growth when a plants needs Potassium to promote flower(bud) development. if the problem persists past the spider mites then i believe you are looking at a nitrogen defficiency. as for the rust spotted/colored leaves, it could be a humidity problem. mary jane likes an environment where the humidity remains between 40% - 50%. Anything higher will make for a perfect environment for more pests(which is not desired) and can also create fungus or mold. anything below 40% - 50% humidity will make the plants stem and leaf surfaces dry out and cause the leaves cells to diminish. this is a leading cause of rust-spotted plants. to fix this issue either add a cool mist humidifier or dehumidifier to bring your grow area up to its proper humidity level! hope this helps