Possibly a Potassium (k) Deficiancy but im not sure


Active Member
no, i didn't test the runoff of the flush, seemed pointless, took a reading after the first normal feeding, like a week after i flushed them. I wonder if it isn't a common
problem with cheese because someone i know is having the same issues with the same strain, he doesn't know whats happening either. Its a killer strain though!


Active Member
i don't think its any of those.. are there any other pests that are hard to spot except nats ? all the yellowing looks the same to me (salt buildup, n,k,Mg,s,Fe, even zink def)


Active Member
So, sounds like your flush brought even more yellowing and you said the affected became worse and dropped. Have you tried treating with just a dose of general nutes?


Active Member
yeah i did, a week after feeding with a mild solution i gave them a regular dose , which was 2 days ago, if they don't recover in a few days then im out of options. And that's bad :)


Active Member
about 1 sec ago i noticed something new, i moved the top layer of dry peat away to reveal the moist peat and discovered a tiny little "gnat" looking thing crawling around and then it disappeared. It had little wings i think, to me it looked like a gnat but i thought that with gnats, they attack damaged/dying roots which result in only certain area's on the plant showing signs. I dnt think gnats are what caused the problem, i got some sticky yellow tape in the grow area and they have no signs of gnats. Is there something the might look similar?


Active Member
okay i might seriously be tripping out now but im sure wen i moved the top layers on moistness away there are tiny, extremely tiny transparent things that crawl back below the surface! what are these?


Well-Known Member
I don't think thats the best choice.. Probably kill more beneficials than gnats.. I've been lucky in the sense that I've never had to deal with pests personally, so I'm not incredibly experienced.. I've dealt with pests in vegitable gardens, usually with Sunlight dish soap.. Pure gardening forums are a GREAT resource too btw..
Have you been to this thread/sub-forum?? https://www.rollitup.org/2199019-post1.html


Well-Known Member
try foiler feeding man why ya get ya probs sorted man it should by you some time priveded ya not flowering atm. I used about .5ml of dish washing liquard (find stuff that hasnt got anti bac and shit on i.e. get the cheap stuff) per the leter for wetting agent, 1/2 streght nutes and a little espon saults for some extra mg. Spray when ya plants are cooled and use a fine mist spray bottle. This is what i used on my 2 babys, you can by some ready to go mix at ya hydro store think dutch master makes it Anyhow a bit of googling / search forum button will get more info on foiler feeding.


Well-Known Member
That would be sunlight.. I think its the lemon oil or something that takes out the bugs.. It works for bees nests too.. I think 1/2 nutes is way too strong to foliar feed, but I do agree that epsom salts are best applied to the foliage since that can create some funky chemistry in the soil pretty easily..
On the note of foliar feeding and dishsoap though, a tad of detergent added to the spray will eliminate beading of the water so it coats the leaf evenly.. This is good, especially if spraying when the lights are gonna be on for a while..


Well-Known Member
That would be sunlight.. I think its the lemon oil or something that takes out the bugs.. It works for bees nests too.. I think 1/2 nutes is way too strong to foliar feed, but I do agree that epsom salts are best applied to the foliage since that can create some funky chemistry in the soil pretty easily..
On the note of foliar feeding and dishsoap though, a tad of detergent added to the spray will eliminate beading of the water so it coats the leaf evenly.. This is good, especially if spraying when the lights are gonna be on for a while..
Lol thats why i said google and read up, I should have added i'am only a noob to lol will have to back mine off a bit nute side but havent had anyprobs yet using this mix in my case yet.

don't wanna steal ya thread but how much mg and in metric can i foiler feed. I seen one thing saying 1 teaspoon to one quart and thats like 5 ml per 1 leter? is that correct as that seems pretty high, i have a bad prob with mg atm :(


Well-Known Member
Thats as high as recommended for Mg yea.. Foliar feeding can cause problems/damage so its best to play it safe.. Just like root feeding, things will usually look great before they go bad when you over do it, and then there is the problem with salt build ups harming the chloroplasts/stomata etc..
With any nute problem though you want to first make sure it isn't actually lockout.. Got a thread?? Make one and post all the details you can..