post effects of smoking?


Well-Known Member
maybe youre crazy, something to consider
maybe but probably not lol seeing as how it doesn't happen when I don't smoke that shit for over a week. I'm done with that, fyi this normally doesn't happen. I'm buggin' now though, wondering if I really am crazy. But doesn't that mean you're not crazy if you think you are? Fuck I can't wait untill the morning when everything goes back to a fresh start:roll: I'm probaly not sleeping for awhile though (thanks god my brother is staying awake, nothing worse than being alone at the moment).


Well-Known Member
Dude smoke a bowl or two and chill. Shadow People are harmless, I know this because I lived with them for a few years.
Smoke a bowl and chillax a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dude smoke a bowl or two and chill. Shadow People are harmless, I know this because I lived with them for a few years.
Smoke a bowl and chillax a bit.
so they never attacked you or anything? good to know:mrgreen: Finally now I can stop fighting fear:blsmoke: but I'm not smoking any more of my shit...ever:spew:


Well-Known Member
no, that means you are really crazy if even you think you are, most crazy ppl dont think theyre crazy, but the really psycho ones know it ;)
that's reassuring...I guess when I'm tired I become vulnerbale to people playing on my fears. But yeah I doubt I'm crazy seeing as how I'm coherently typing and maintain a good GPA and still have friends:mrgreen: No one wants to be friends with the "crazy guy" :P


Well-Known Member
...:o don't scare me! shadow people? shhiiitttt that's crazy. But yeah wtf please explain more. I swear I see little shadows that are moving every now and then...what the foookk :P I can only hope they're just little shadows and not actually entities. whatever...NO FEAR! ;) It's only when you let yourself be afraid that you become afriad. Seriously they scared me for like 1 sec. but now I could care less what they do. But I still wanna know what they are. Maybe my shit was laced?

edit:damn...why did I google that? I was about to go to sleep too...NO FEAR! lol

If you wear contacts then the shadow people can also be caused by something called Detached Retina Syndrome. This is very bad and can cause you to lose your eyesight within a short time if it goes untreated. Get checked out right away if you start to also experience flashes of light.

(Seems like EVERYONE knows about the shadow people. I think it's a sleep dep thing. Like when you are made to be very tired and do not go to sleep you will have visual hallucinations in your peripheral vision. Often seen as dark spots and referred to as "shadow people". They are not demons and are a hullucination. They can look very real, however, and are often accompanied by drug induced paranoia. When you see them: Go to sleep. ;) )


Well-Known Member
:o that's crackhead I think my weed was FUCKED up though. I swear to god a week or so ago I would randomly hear my name being whispered 'bout 2-3 times over the period of a few days (thought it was just a wierd occurance). But I've been going to sleep and acting just as I normally do. Fuck that I'm giving that shit away! No wonder my "dealer" kept asking me if it was good and re-assuring me it was hella good...fat motha' fucker needs to get stuck like a pig, maybe slashed up?


I'd swear you're prolly tokin some fucking FORMALDEHYDE!!! Ever seen Good Morning Vietnam? A touch of formaldehyde for flavor? ;)


Well-Known Member
Logic rules again:mrgreen: I'm gonna go to sleep now (with my T.V. on...I know I'm being a pussy but hey I really don't care right now:P)No more nasty weed for me only my homegrown. Yep I'm waiting a few months to get quality trusted shit now I don't trust anything unless it's home grown from one of my close friends.


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know, I find that highly offensive :( "Mornig", what are you some kinda nazi? lmao
If you find this funny then I think I am going crazy :o Dammit my brother is playing like haunted castle dracula music :| not helping.

-G'night people I'm actually going to sleep now.


Well-Known Member
They are very real actually. When I saw them it was still daytime and I was clean and sober.
But maybe I'm just another psycho on the loose :)


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know, I find that highly offensive :( "Mornig", what are you some kinda nazi? lmao
If you find this funny then I think I am going crazy :o Dammit my brother is playing like haunted castle dracula music :| not helping.

-G'night people I'm actually going to sleep now.
lol that funny, stupid, but funny


Well-Known Member
Yeah that movie is a trip. I still sometimes wonder if reality is real. Then I figure "who gives a fuck, I like it so it doesn't matter if it's real or not I'm happy" then I realize yes the people around me are real.

edit:okay now I'm really going to sleep. Not even gonna read another reply:D


Well-Known Member
It tripped me out because that week I happened to have an O of some pot of gold(BOMB). Every morning I'd come in and watch like 45 minutes of the movie while I was blown out of my dome. Then, by about wednesday, I realized that the whole thing was FAKE. Had me questioning reality for a long time.


Well-Known Member
definetly shadow people or ghosts, last week I had a really dry bluntwrap and licked it all up to moisten it, halfway into rolling everything went purple, I couldnt see anything but purple for about 45 minutes, I was able to see some out of my perifery but if I tried to look there it just went purple it was scary man, I ate some chicken and it went away though :) :P