Post Harvest Depression Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't go as far as saying actual "depression," but I'm certainly bummed now that my grow is over. It's been about 3 weeks since I harvested my last plant and in a way I'm almost wishing it never ended. When I started getting everything together back in March/April for my first serious outdoor attempt, I wasn't working so I did it just for something to do really. Once things really started taking off in July I really started getting into it. I know it sounds kind of lame but when I was tending my plants, I could forget about all the problems and everything else going on in my life. It was just me, them, and the woods. It was a fulfilling and rewarding project to say the least. I can honestly say my grow helped prevent a lot of the negative feelings that go along with being unemployed and helped me stay positive and confident. Anyone who's been unemployed for an extended period of time knows what I mean. Since I can't do indoor where I'm living, I'm most likely done until next Spring. Just started working again a few weeks ago and I find myself thinking about moving so I could start doing some indoor (among other reasons of course).

Anyone else feel the same way at all or have any thoughts/comments?


Active Member
how much u get out ur harvest? How many plants?
Gonna be growing for my first time this spring, cant wait


I feel that there is always a way to grow inside, and that is kind of a theme here, from closet grows to even PC tower grows. Obviously this is expensive, but it definatly helps to ward off the blues. Also nothing is better than going into an indoor growroom in the dead of winter when it has been grey for weeks outside and its spring in there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know what you mean. haha you get so used to going to see them and watering, pruning.etc.. Outdoors is my favorite cause the sky's the limit outside, so instead of planning a grow for months and months i'll have a small indoors one this winter. hopefully i'll have harvested twice before i go outdoors for the summer :]


Well-Known Member
how much u get out ur harvest? How many plants?
Gonna be growing for my first time this spring, cant wait
It was my first serious grow and I got something like 10 oz total off of 4 plants. I was actually a little dissapointed. Thought I'd get closer to a lb. My Nirvana NL did the worst. It looked fat as hell but when it dried I barely pulled 2 oz off of it. Thought I'd get at least 4 oz from it. I did have to pull a little early though due to the weather turning to shit. All 4 could have used another week. Next year I'm gonna try for something that finishes by Oct 1. I have a journel in my sig if you want to check it out.

I feel that there is always a way to grow inside, and that is kind of a theme here, from closet grows to even PC tower grows. Obviously this is expensive, but it definatly helps to ward off the blues. Also nothing is better than going into an indoor growroom in the dead of winter when it has been grey for weeks outside and its spring in there.
Nah I can't I'm living with my parents right now. Starting seeds and vegging inside for a few weeks before taking them out wasn't a problem, but I can't do full sized plants. I actually have a brand new 250w hps just sitting in the box collecting dust because I can't use it. I'm thinking about selling it since by the time I'm able to do indoor I'm going to want something bigger.

To be honest, I'm really not that big of a smoker anymore so with this summer's harvest I have plenty more than I even really need. I just like growing. The excitement of ordering the seeds and that feeling when they arrive. Opening up the wet paper towel and seeing that they cracked. Then when they break ground and start growing. Vegging, flowering, harvesting, everything, I love it. Only thing that sucked was trimming, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hard to feel that way when i'm only 25% done with my estimated 10 lb outdoor harvest. I had A girl weigh in at over 750grams and she still has another 100 grams on her. Today i'm stripping all the fan leaves off another plant that will weigh in at 700-900 grams.This plant turns purple when the temps drop (fan leaves are already purple). We just had a full week of well above temps (90's) and today a low drops in and the highs are in the 70's and lower tomorrow. Lows will be in the 40's, so she should get nice and purple. She will be taken on Wednesday.
Wish you were near I could sure use the help. Going to be a busy month and a half, i have girls that will finish mid November.
And when this finishes my indoor will be in full grow, 15 girls about a foot tall as i type this, never get slow around here.


Well-Known Member
Well this was my first real season. I got lucky and ended up with 4 nice girls plus a couple autos I started late season. I plan on going a little bigger next year. The one spot I might do some trimming and use again, but I'm going to look for some better spots. Made a lot of stupid mistakes, but it still worked out rather well for me actually. I'm still kicking myself for not digging bigger holes. I think if I did I could have increased my yield by about 50%. Since money was tight at the time and soil is surprisingly expensive, I cut some corners. My genetics weren't the best either. Not bagseed or anything, I just didn't pick the best strains for where I live. It's funny, when I mentioned what I was planning on doing this summer to my brother and a few close friends they all laughed at me. My brother was the only person I took out to the spots, and even in July when they were 6' high he still wasn't a believer. I'm known for having extremely bad luck so he kept saying "you know something bad is going to happen." When I handed him an oz of kick ass bud last week and showed him the jars he wasn't laughing then, haha. Needless to say, I can't wait til next year!


Active Member
for sure on the post harvey blues... almost everytime. but fear not! always planning and prep work to be done for next season, learn from mistakes ; then repeat lol. but you are definitely not alone on the fulfillment aspects of gardening. it gets addicting=)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Ill miss it. Mines still not done! Soon though I hope. Everyday I come home from work,let the 3 dogs out, drink a Redbull,smoke alittle, and then go check on my plants. I think its meditative. Its also kinda scarey, gets the adrenaline going!I cant wait to harvest, but Iknow Ill miss it!


Well-Known Member
for sure on the post harvey blues... almost everytime. but fear not! always planning and prep work to be done for next season, learn from mistakes ; then repeat lol. but you are definitely not alone on the fulfillment aspects of gardening. it gets addicting=)
You're absolutely right man. Got lots of time to think about next season. Now that I have this first grow under my belt it will be ever better next year!

Well hopefully this job works out and I can get a place of my own in a few months. It's just these student loans that are killing me!

I'm actually contemplating one of these days when I have a few beers in me to just straight up ask my parents if I can grow a plant or two in the house just for something to do. Nothing fancy just a little CFL operation. The 250w hps would get way to hot for where I'd grow. They found my seedlings I started a few months back for my outdoor grow and didn't seem to really care, but that's a little different than mature plants. I think the issue is mostly with my little brother finding them. Worse they can do is say no.


Well-Known Member
damn brother you are a star on the rise!

You must write with a poets wit in the 300 or so posts you've made...haha.

Nice grow journals too!
grow journals make LEOs agitated and focus their attention. lol I'll journal when it's legal where i live. BTW i had thousands of posts under another name, but traded it when i was a moderator at another site.

someone else

Active Member
grow journals make LEOs agitated and focus their attention. lol I'll journal when it's legal where i live. BTW i had thousands of posts under another name, but traded it when i was a moderator at another site.
Sure sure, that all sounds well and good if that's the story.

That's kinda bullshit about the grow journals, but whatever helps you sleep I guess.

I didn't realize that was even possible to trade names with people and 'inherit' all those experience points.

Way to work the system with whatever you did...I guess. :roll:

Maybe I should work on more DMT posts.


Well-Known Member
Sure sure, that all sounds well and good if that's the story.

That's kinda bullshit about the grow journals, but whatever helps you sleep I guess.

I didn't realize that was even possible to trade names with people and 'inherit' all those experience points.

Way to work the system with whatever you did...I guess. :roll:
sour grapes bucky? do you have a problem or are you a troll? i've helped people and they have given me points....big deal. they are just meaningless points. I'll plus rep you right now. I'm from wisconsin BTW. nice badger....the old name was "tainted" so it had to go but the points went with the old name. some people figured out who i was and +repped me. I can't believe i'm defending having rep points LOL

someone else

Active Member
sour grapes bucky? do you have a problem or are you a troll? i've helped people and they have given me points....big deal. they are just meaningless points. I'll plus rep you right now. I'm from wisconsin BTW. nice badger

Just curious, that's all. I'm not a troll...check out MY POSTS.

I just don't like to see people rep whoring, that's all. I'm sure you're a sharp guy.

I didn't mean to be that big of an ass. :-)

BTW, Bucky is pretty happy this week after beating #1 Ohio State in Madison. :clap: