post nasal drip


Well-Known Member
anyone get this from smoking? I've had it like a bitch lately. I've never taken any medication but honestly its either all edibles or i quit smoking. I've never taken decongestants before maybe its time to start using them?

i get it the worst just after smoking. i can't imagine i'm the only one whos experienced this.
It might also be caused by allergies that are exacerbated by smoking, not the smoking itself. I have death allergies (they make me wish I were dead) so I've had more than my fair share of post-nasal drip. Even though it sounds and looks silly, you might consider using a neti pot:

Also, you can try gargling warm salt water and steam therapy (put your head over a pot of boiling water until you can breathe a sigh of relief). Decongestants or antihistamines (if it's allergy-related) may help, but I thought I'd throw some other ideas out there since you seem somewhat hesitant when it comes to medications. I hope you feel better soon!


Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah it's not there today. Thanks for the suggestions. It's possible I was a little sick or something. I kinda feel like it was all set off by a .5 bud .2 hash toke the other day when i coughed my ass off for about 10 minutes. It was hell. I don't think I'll ever be doing that again. Who am I kidding though, I probably will on 4/20 or something like that.
Hah, nice. I know how you feel; I took a huge rip on an iced Gravitron bowl laced with keef and coughed so hard I threw up. NOT fun. Although twenty minutes later I was feeling wonderful. :)