Post your brand of tent you're using.

I asked a friend today what he knows about tents. He said his buddy who has Gorilla tents hates the zippers too. You can get the same 1680D thickness in the Sun Hut Fortress line. They don't have the height extension poles like Gorilla, but are 7'3". Point is, they're cheaper than Gorilla, especially at better grow hydro. I don't know about the zippers though, but this is the tent I'm probably gonna buy (Sun Hut Fortress). One difference, it has thick steel poles like Gorilla, but has reinforced polypropylene corners instead of metal.

Secret Jardin Orca does look nice though. I heard their zippers are smooth.

For what it's worth the orcas reflectivity is outstanding compared to the silver lined ones.
I like it overall, but i've completely changed lighting setup at tent switch, from mono's to cobs, so no solid basis for comparison, performance-wise ...

I like that it's stronger, looks cleaner / is easy to clean, no fear of damaging the surface, like I did with mylar ..

Thanks for the replies ... sounds like the SJ Orca is way to go for me. I also like the Homeboxes - basically, prefer the white fabric on the eyes.
I've got a secret jardin.. Kinda feel like I was robbed.. $20 tent marked wayyy up
Sniped a "mars hydro" tent.. Prefer it to the SJ
If anyone likes 2x4s check out the 2x4 from HTG supply. It's actual dimensions are 28"x52" for a total space of 10 sq/ft. It's like turning your tent up to 11. :-D

I have to say this was an excellent recommendation and I just unpacked and built mine today and it's much larger than I was anticipating inside.

Thanks @Rahz for the recommendation. And your T4-1750 looks perfect hanging in the center of the top of the tent.
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