Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here


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Well-Known Member
trust me, SFI i know. these weenies think they know a lot about cameras and they probably have a point and shoot sony or panasonic w 10 mp woopdy do! i used to take some amazing shots with an olympus stylus 400 it had 4mp and a macro and SUPER macro mode. i got some amazing shots of flowers, food, spiders and bugs up close in GREAT detail. if i had buds back then, i'd have had great bud shots with the same 4MP camera.

and bill collector, i wasnt even talking to you. but if you want to start a thread about picture comparisons, i will gladly take part. name the category, or just post an existing photo you have. let's get it


Well-Known Member
and bill collector, i wasnt even talking to you. but if you want to start a thread about picture comparisons, i will gladly take part. name the category, or just post an existing photo you have. let's get it
I realize you weren't talking to me, nonetheless you were being an ass to someone else for no reason, and started spouting off some irrelevant crap regarding an iphone.

I have photos all over this site, and on the previous page of this thread if you want to see what i have taken...


Well-Known Member
I realize you weren't talking to me, nonetheless you were being an ass to someone else for no reason, and started spouting off some irrelevant crap regarding an iphone.

I have photos all over this site, and on the previous page of this thread if you want to see what i have taken...
you dont understand. this kid was told that he needs 12.2 megapixels to get good bud shots on his thread. now he's telling other people like he's smart or something [oh youll need something in the uh... i dunno, 12 megapixel range?] yeah ok buddy. and in response to that i posted pics i took and asked them to tell me which was taken with which


Well-Known Member
and bill thats called bokeh. it looks more classy than the backyard shit i see on here hahaha. nice shots SFI
I'm just curious, if that is what you call Bokeh, than where is the focus of the picture?? On the sugar leaves of the cola? the pistils? Looks more like unintentional blur than focusing on a centerpoint, and blurring the rest of the image...


Well-Known Member
Also, i know my camera mechanics just fine. This is a bud forum though, remember that. Not a camera review. Also i didnt go out and buy a camera cuz someone said 12 megapixels produce nice bud shots, i simply borrowed a canon that happened to have 12 mp. Also if please enlighten me on how to take quality clear budshots with a 4mp cam.


Well-Known Member
You cheak yourself fool. No negativity bro. no hate on my thread alright.
just pics and bud reveiws. ONLY, no critisisim alright.
Good grows all, keep the pics coming.... oh by the way sacredherb,
your my first negative post, haha thanks...46 pages of no hate.
that was a good run, Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
You guys can dip if your gonna talk this shit on my thread, no hate.
its really simple. thanx for the run though. to all that didn start drama.
40 plus pgs of no negativity. awsome, thank you
keep the positive in though, buddy has a mac, gonna get some ill pics of the harvest iv been talking about.
i know finally. my computer is still shut down :( . iv been smokin a grip, prolly have just over 6 oz left.
but still have 16 diff plants with 4 weeks left flower. (buts thats indoor and dwc. whole other thread)
so ill be posting the harvest finally tonight, and this is for the most part cured. like a week left


Active Member
I'm just curious, if that is what you call Bokeh, than where is the focus of the picture?? On the sugar leaves of the cola? the pistils? Looks more like unintentional blur than focusing on a centerpoint, and blurring the rest of the image...
There is about 2 centimeters of Depth of Field, the rest is out of focus. It is not for everyone, but it is much more then unintentional blur. I wanted to check the trichomes, that was why I took the picture. To see where I was at. Here is 100 percent crop.

Everyone started oogling over macro photography so I wanted to share.

One thing I can tell you is that picture is much more sharp then the "macro" shot you posted. Ironic that you pick blurry to critique it when this is much more blurry.

*shrugs* Only because you started talking shit, hah. Your turn,