POST your photos of medicating outside in Alaska

BubblegummerCrescentLake.jpg Bowl of Bubblegummer at Crescent Lake above Moose Pass on Jan 9. Very little snow there, ice on the lake was barely 3" thick. Can't wait to get up there with the snowmachine...
No problem. Once its legal to do so in AK next month I'll gladly share cuttings, possibly clones with RIUers.

Til then I'm paranoid and hesitant, but pm me if you want to discuss.

I'm with you there.
Once we're good with legality in the state I'll come out of my closet.
Until then - Deny, deny, deny.

On another note Mrs. GWN and I went to lunch yesterday & right in the middle of my Ruben I realized I had my Dinafem tee shirt on with it's very distinctive logo.

I guess I'm not as paranoid anymore, especially after meeting in person, quite a few stand up guys (and gals) here on RIU... Still though that's what I was getting at, hooking up when its ok... I know the rules here and sorry :dunce: if I upset anyone...
With my beautiful wife and kiddos at Elderberry park... They had some nice sound activated LED "art" along the trail.... The tunnel seemed like a good place for a toke or two, out of the wind and no one else around (11:30PM).... I was actually trying to capture the way the lights were refracting through the billows of smoke....
I guess I'm not as paranoid anymore, especially after meeting in person, quite a few stand up guys (and gals) here on RIU... Still though that's what I was getting at, hooking up when its ok... I know the rules here and sorry :dunce: if I upset anyone...
I'm down to donate some cuttings if anyone needs an ill have some more in a few weeks once my lemon kush is big enough, should be feminized but I'll take a cutting and make sure she's a she haha.
Got up to Hatcher earlier this week and skied this
Hatcher Marmot.jpg
and this (both Marmot):Hatcher-Marmot2.jpg

What do you think- do my skis have 3 lil indica plants growing on them? :clap:Stoke Ganja Plants.jpg
We found surprisingly good boot-top snow... and were glad to have a lil JTR to blaze!:eyesmoke:
LEGAL! :joint::joint::joint:
JTR at Fishhook.jpg
What do you think- do my skis have 3 lil indica plants growing on them? :clap:
We found surprisingly good boot-top snow... and were glad to have a lil JTR to blaze!:eyesmoke:
LEGAL! :joint::joint::joint:
Yes you have sweet lil indys on your skis! kinda cool actually! Too bad that mountain top blaze was public :wall: and not "legal"! Though there's only a couple rangers/PW officers up there and I'm pretty sure they're not lookin for smokers!
That's a good point, we were "public" and therefore illegal! :lol: :lol:

I just don't give a shit because I smoke a fuckton of weed when I ski, on chairlifts or the skin track or in the trees. That's just the deal, as it has been and as it will be, and since no LEOs or mayoral candidates are out there, fuckem. :joint:

Nothing new here but we've been hiding the ganja circle since forever,and truth be told I really don't mind slipping off from "the group," or going off behind the barn (summit?) with the like-mindeds to burn some weed away from the rangers/bosses/straights anyway. :blsmoke:

Its not really talked about much but one of the the things that attracts me to smoking is the social aspect- standing in a circle, sharing a j that turns into a we-know-something-the-Man-doesn't pleasure. (That part might actually be pretty addictive too, but that's a whole different story...) If its not illegal, the bond shared won't be quite as strong, since you're not committing a crime in the presence of others, like you were when the plant was "more illegal."

Anyway with legalization, however half-assed the Alaska Legislature's interpretation of that is, I fear losing a bit of that almost-guilty pleasure of smoking. I don't have it fully articulated but a small part of the enjoyment for me is the covert, small-group nature of it. I mean i don't have to break the law per se, but it has effectively sorted the weed from the chaff as it were, for as long as I've been smoking.

I mean I really like the subterfuge- the head nod, the hand signal, the eyebrow raise, the secret verbal queue to your inner circle that says fuck this, let's slip out and burn one down!

When "legalization" first passed in AK, I was stoke but a bit... forlorn? Reminiscent? Dunno how to word it but I don't want to lose that small-circle pleasure, and with the way the legislature is struggling with wrapping their minds around NOT criminalizing the plant, well I don't think there's much to worry about there. They're still forcing us to sneak off into the woods, or behind the dumpster. At least we'll face no criminal penalty for possession! That's the win for me, I'm really not worried about the $100 ticket, they'll have to catch me first... bongsmiliebongsmilie
I use to hike and snow board up at hatchers all the time and smoke usually right before a run haha, use to smoke inside the bubble chair 6 before they room them off the chairs. Good times, I hope one day here we'll be able to smoke at like a cannabis cafe or something like it.
Got up to Hatcher earlier this week and skied this
View attachment 3366250
and this (both Marmot):View attachment 3366251

What do you think- do my skis have 3 lil indica plants growing on them? :clap:View attachment 3366253
We found surprisingly good boot-top snow... and were glad to have a lil JTR to blaze!:eyesmoke:
LEGAL! :joint::joint::joint:
View attachment 3366252
How much snow you say is up there looks like a decent amount, I've alwsys called it crashers pass been with guys that have wreck there snow machines big time on the willow side and I've dinged up my board pretty bad more than once, such a lame winter so far haven't been able to get out and do my favorite winter sports, and now having s daughter too haha.
How much snow you say is up there looks like a decent amount

We were surprised at the snow quality on Wednesday- ~12" of medium/heavy pow, right-side-up and well-bonded to a buried suncrust that was mostly not breakable. The weather cleared up a bit for the pix but we had low visibility for our runs. Good news is they got more last night:

...and the storm's still kickin!


We were surprised at the snow quality on Wednesday- ~12" of medium/heavy pow, right-side-up and well-bonded to a buried suncrust that was mostly not breakable. The weather cleared up a bit for the pix but we had low visibility for our runs. Good news is they got more last night:

...and the storm's still kickin!


Nice, maybe I'll have to go up there soon before we lose the snow again, the east coast has gotten all our snow this winter it sucks.
Ok gotta this thread back on track:
Wifeys car got "smash and grabbed" and lost her favorite piece to some piece of shit douche who doesn't know how to work for the things he wants, only steal.... Anyway, I got her this sweet AK piece, with a map/picture of Alaska blown into the knobby on the side... It really is a work of art!

We stopped at Bird Creek to do some bouldering but I swear to god the wind made it feel like -10F! After quickly realizing just how cold and windy it was, we quickly retreated to the comforts of climate controlled vehicle, not before I snapped a quick pic just for you @elkamino !

That OG KUSH is a bit harsh in the throat but damn does it get the job done! Especially when the windows are up!
Ok gotta this thread back on track:
Wifeys car got "smash and grabbed" and lost her favorite piece to some piece of shit douche who doesn't know how to work for the things he wants, only steal.... Anyway, I got her this sweet AK piece, with a map/picture of Alaska blown into the knobby on the side... It really is a work of art!
View attachment 3367902

We stopped at Bird Creek to do some bouldering but I swear to god the wind made it feel like -10F! After quickly realizing just how cold and windy it was, we quickly retreated to the comforts of climate controlled vehicle, not before I snapped a quick pic just for you @elkamino !

That OG KUSH is a bit harsh in the throat but damn does it get the job done! Especially when the windows are up!
View attachment 3367901
That's a badass piece dude, where'd you get it, I bought a mini glass gandolf piece a few summer ago from a buddies friend that blows glass in the valley and it broke I want another Alaskan piece. Sorry to hear about your wife's cars what a tool!
That's a badass piece dude, where'd you get it, I bought a mini glass gandolf piece a few summer ago from a buddies friend that blows glass in the valley and it broke I want another Alaskan piece. Sorry to hear about your wife's cars what a tool!
Came from Popeye's only $45.... I'm over the car, thanks for your concern... What comes around goes around...
Came from Popeye's only $45.... I'm over the car, thanks for your concern... What comes around goes around...
Oh dang from there thought it would be some buddy haha that's cool tho. Yeah karma will hopefully get what's coming to the person!