OK, since this thread is for posting pics I'll put up some shots from my first Rick Simpson Oil extraction with alcohol, Everclear in this case. I did the extraction indoors (!) with 2 fans, one in the window drawing air away from the boiling pot (out the window) and 1 behind the pot to force it towards the window. I also twiddled the heat while it was cooking to keep it from boiling too crazy and basically keep it under control.
Used cured-crushed buds from Northern Lights. Did not bake them first, just dried and cured for 6 weeks. Just 2 oz for this trial run.

Just took the frozen Everclear and poured over the bud material in the jars, shook it 3 times, about a minute each time, then strained into a glass container. Tossed the bud material into the trim bucket to be processed into bubble hash. Ran the liquid through a gold coffee filter into the fondue pot to boil.

Then boiled it for about half hour keeping the temp regulated by hand to control the boil down process.

After it started getting thick I poured it into a 4 oz ramekin and finished heating it on a small coffee pot warmer for about 20 minutes, until it because thick like tar and the boiling was finished and the alcohol was gone.

Finished product.

Testing it on myself this week, about a small grain of rice sized dose 3 times a day. Just put it on a finger like he does in his YouTube video, Run from the Cure. First day was fine, second day had some issues and had to kick back, today I skipped because of a business commitment that required full cognitive abilities, so going to double down tonight. Because I did not take the extra step of decarboxylation, heating the buds to 220 degrees F for about 20 minutes, the oil doesn't get me too stoned. But the effect is pretty strong after about 3-4 hours and I feel it prudent to not drive. Cannabis as medicine, real time today, here on Chef's thread.