Congrats Sir, about the most stress you can have comes with the new place.
Now you are locked in for just 30 years. Fun starts the day you close escrow. Stress comes to visit the same day. Best decision I made for growing was to designate a single room with a locking door to grow in. Keeping the electrical wiring correct was the second most important and setting up the carbon filter/cooling ducting was the 3rd. After those items it was just fun-city. You will need to spend some money to get it started so you may want to keep your day job for a while. Good luck!

Thank you so much my friend, solid advice from a solid guy.
I hope my statement was not misinterpreted...
With my disease(s).. Both of my doctors and my physical therapists encourage that I apply for disability.
I absolutely refuse to accept disability until I can no longer bear the pain.
Even though challenged with my issues, I simply am work-oriented.
My post was meant to display, I'll no longer need to fund my weekly visits to the local dispensaries, which are tight as is.
Growing my own will allow me to drop my hours at the restaurant, and a few things already are in place.
Just to clarify...
Sir_dabs is growing for the love of cannabis, not for profit.
Edit: There is one more purpose of my pending grow...
To get the fuck off these pharmaceuticals I have to take, just to feel somewhat comfortable.
The fact that my well-being is in the hands of Corporate monster Pharma, does not sit well...
Edit #2 The phrase” everyday will be a Friday”=
The proverbial
” If you are doing something you love as your career, you will never work another day on your life”
(or something like that, I'm super dabbed.. Haha)
Peace my friend and thank you for the kind words.