Happy Saturday Colorado RIU!!
Sir_dabs has been mia for a while.. So busy with the move into the new house, and work is relentless...
My skills in leading the restaurant in ” take out food” and customer relations has won third place in the Colorado Springs Independent for best in Take-out...which inevitably lead to us getting busier and busier..with no accommodation in help to compensate for the increase in restaurant volume.
Sooooo burnt out...
Okay, rant over.
Got my tent yesterday, and setting up today!!! Super stoked.
@Rae and CSU ... So sorry about the fucking tent!! I love the positive attitude though.
And no worries

guys... Sorry I haven't gotten back to you guys yet.. Pm incoming. As stated.. I've been getting my ass kicked up and down at work, and of course my pain levels are elevated due to elevated anxiety/stress.
Just wanted to give my regards to everyone, as I've been missing for a while.
Time to do work..
PS.. Holy Shhit you guys are KILLING it ..
Sah.. Wow
420C.. Pretty damn sure that's the biggest kola I've seen.
BD.. Always liking it with the cannoli... We need to sesh my friend!!
Rae& CSU You guys are the epitome of the word” caregiver”
Chewy..always got the sound advice.. I need to check out your garden for ideas.
Constiello.what is up my friend?
Chef.. Hope to be catching some waves soon..

True..miss ya already.
Mid... Shoot me a pm sir, need some advice, pretty please