Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

indy, tives, or brid

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Well-Known Member
Dang! I have not even began to really trim the Afghooey yet. Romulan girl looking good man! Your gonna be waxed all day on that girl for sure!


Well-Known Member
My pics from my most recent grow all the way to my first.



Well-Known Member
lol ... have fun with her :) LOTS of finger/scissor hash. i liked using gloves with her and freezing em after, easier to remove the big frozen patties


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is I really want to move to colorado, but I had no Idea this was a medical thread. I just read post ur pics and I was on it like white on rice. If I dont have to remove it I wont but if someone comments for me to move this to another thread I will.


Well-Known Member
seriously, keep em up bro. it's just a spot for local folks to show the grow and toss some BS around, but we welcome all who wish to show it off :)


Well-Known Member
Hell yea you guys are cool some people on here would have a shit fit, I am def moving to colorado. I dont want to move there only for medicinal reasons, I mean look at how beautiful it is there with mountains and streams ect... I am a real outdoors kind of guy, I enjoy fishing hunting camping and colorado would be a great place to do those things and get meds for my chronic pain. I have had 2 spinal surgeries my first consisted of 2-titanium rods 18" long, and 10 stainless steel screws, my second surgery I had some of the rod removed and the top screw. The reason for having these painfull surgeries was because I had severe scholiosis, or scientific name shermans kyphosis and it sucks. I love growing my own personal meds and I dont want to go to prison for my passion in life, my state is serious when it comes to marijuana with me being in the southeast and all. I dont want to worry about being jailed for smoking pot anymore so as soon as I get my finances strait I will be on my way to colorado. My doctor here tries to prescribe me percocets and norco 10-325 but I never take them, I have family members who end up buying all of them I just dont like pain medicine it isnt the same as marijuana it is much deadlier and can become overpowering on the addictive side. I have seen my brothers almost O.D. on prescribed pain pills such as oxycottin, and oxymorphine I dont want to end up like that taking enough pain killers to put down a small elephant. I am rambling now anyway nice to meet you guys, hope you like all the pics I have learned alot since my first grow with sour diesel as you can see.


Well-Known Member
Colorado rocks bro. as u say, so many things to do and it's a HUGE weight off the shoulders to not have to constantly watch your back. lots of good peeps here too. but like anywhere, there are the 'others' as well ;) good luck in your persuit of happiness


Well-Known Member
Colorado rocks bro. as u say, so many things to do and it's a HUGE weight off the shoulders to not have to constantly watch your back. lots of good peeps here too. but like anywhere, there are the 'others' as well ;) good luck in your persuit of happiness
What is the living expences like there, If I were to move there should I rent or should I wait a few more years here in southeast and save money to buy a place or rent to own.


Well-Known Member
Depends on where you live. fairly affordable housing all over the state, really more of where ya wanna be.


Well-Known Member
What is the living expences like there, If I were to move there should I rent or should I wait a few more years here in southeast and save money to buy a place or rent to own.
all things are relative and each situations' different. just gotta do the homework and decide what is good for you. always good to get input on what different areas might be like, but only u can decide on the rent/own situation (esp in this days' F'ed up mortgage world)

Indi - looking diggity-dank my brotha!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah! I am used to it, happens all the time! Keeps me smiling all day when I cant smoke in public or where ever I am. Gets lots of stares to, like who has that stinky shit! LOL


Well-Known Member
lol. brings back memories of back in the day and walking into a store after trimming. you got a real good idea who smoked, noses sniffing around for the source of the dankness.

Yeah! I am used to it, happens all the time! Keeps me smiling all day when I cant smoke in public or where ever I am. Gets lots of stares to, like who has that stinky shit! LOL


Well-Known Member
EC- Last night was fun! Checked up on the gooey and she is about ready for jarring so some coming your way on our next trip down! Gonna post some pics here shortly once I start cutting buds off of stem!